OSI Board Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2006


Mr. Michael Tiemann, President
Ms. Danese Cooper, Secretary & Treasurer
Mr. Ken Coar, Director
Mr. Matt Asay, Director
Mr. Steve Mallet, Board Observer (Webmaster)
Mr. Ernie Prabakar, Board Observer
Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel and Board Observer
Ms. Laura Majerus, Licensing Counsel and Board Observer

Mr. Sanjiva Weewarawana, Director,
Mr. Russ Nelson, Director
Mr. Bruno Sousa, Director

Quorum reached at 11:15 EST and meeting called to order.

Agenda for November Meeting

1. Special discussion of Attribution licenses. Current status and action items.

-Mr. Tiemann will publish a blog about Attribution
-Mr. Chris DiBona from Google has asked Ms. Cooper about whether / when we'll discuss Attribution
-Need to expand FAQ draft (Ms. Majerus will do)

2. Launch of OSI 3.0 website

-Mr. Mallet says he has 1/2 day of work and then we only need to make the content "live". We want him to do the migration as soon as possible.

-Ms. Sally Khudairi, Board Observer needs to review, so do Mr. Radcliffe and Ms. Majerus before we go live

-Punch List: Most important copyright footer, with Mr. Radcliffe will review today. Suggestion to refer in copyright footer to Creative Commons Bi-SA license: Mr. Tiemann will forward to the Board email list, Mr. Radcliffe will comment by Nov 13.
*Some bios needed also, but most other things can be added in after launch
*If intent to announce by the 17th, all need to look by the 15th.

3. Open Java Licensing

-Sun will be making an announcement on Monday, Mr. Radcliffe has already been briefed and Ms. Cooper expects to attend the actual annoucement. The plan is GPLv2 plus an exception much like GNUClasspath.
-Mr. Souza is possibly joining the NetBeans team at Sun and if he joins he'll get more time to work on OSI as well.

4. Alternate Open Source Foundation?

-Note about rumors heard alternate open source foundation that doesn't probably comprehend the existence of the OSI.
-Ms. Cooper is working on getting a contact.

5. GPLv3 license commentary

-Mr. Coar, Mr. Souza, Mr. Tiemann, Ms. Cooper, Mr. Radcliffe and Ms. Majerus committed to attend a call this month.

6. Committee reports and actions required

-License Discuss: No report (Mr. Nelson)
-Standards: Mr. Weewarawana feels the discussion has died down and time may be ripe for closing on the topic.
-Secretary's Report: (Ms. Cooper) need to verify change of address so Mr. Tiemann can make his annual charitable contribution

7. Preliminary calendar for 2007

-Action item for Mr. Tiemann and Ms. Cooper to propose. Next meeting this year is December 13th.

8. Other Business

-Mr. Nelson will be traveling in India from the 14th through the 27th. He can be reached during this time at redif.
-Ms. Cooper proposes that the election must be a major topic of the December meeting.
-Ms. Cooper proposes that OSI use some of its resources to arrange a formal all-hands meeting in January in San Francisco.
-Mr. Souza reports that the Lula Party (which has been pro Open Source in the past) was re-elected in Brazil and that FISL is the 12th to the 14th of April next year.

Meeting adjorned 1:00pm EST.

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.