OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Attendance: * Mr. Ken Coar, Director * Ms. Danese Cooper, Director and Secretary / Treasurer * Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director * Mr. Russell Nelson, Director * Mr. Michael Tiemann, Director, President and Fundraising Chair * Mr. Bruno Souza, Director * Mr. Russ Nelson, Director * Mr. Ernest Prabhakar, Board Observer Meeting called to order 8:08 PDT with a quorum of Mr. Tiemann, Ms. Cooper, Mr. Coar, Mr. Ghosh; Mr. Prabhakar joined 8:12am PDT as Observer; Mr. Souza and Mr. Nelson joined at 8:15am PDT Agenda: 1) President's Report * Mr. Tiemann summarized our activities at OSCON. Discussion about need to develop working modalities that increase our effectiveness as an organization. * Discussion of setup of [email protected] 2) Committee Reports * a) Treasury Report Report on current bank account and tee-shirt sales. * b) Fundraising Report Discussion of expected funds raised. * c) Secretary's Report Discussion of process of reviewing minutes and publishing them. Set up working meeting Wednesday the 15th noon-2:00pm PDT via IRC. * d) License Approval Report Licenses pending not yet sufficiently discussed (so no votes pending). Discussion of process of retiring licenses. * e) Membership Report Mr. Souza directed to contact Mr. Andy Oliver, who is interested in volunteering to increase transparency of OSI. Suggestion that OSI spend energy on Software Freedom Day to promote OSI. Mr. Souza will investigate. * f) Open Standards Requirements Report Discussion of whether we can forward this issue any further without an available Chair. Process of ISO Fast-tracking of OOXML keeps this issue in public eye without additional effort on our part. 3) Old Business * a) Proliferation Discussion of current state of Proliferation Categories. Mr. Tiemann proposed a "As Yet Uncategorized" bin for new licenses. Mr. Nelson will review the archive to determine retirement status of existing licenses. * b) Serving Two Masters Discussion Discussion about the inherent tension between approval of all licenses that match the OSD and desire to reduce overall number of licenses. Suggestion of pulling both discussions into one public discussion. Mr. Prabhakar will draft language for a motion to be voted at the August 15th meeting. * c) Terms of Use / Trademark Usage Guidelines Discussion of term of "Open Source" trademark eligibility. 4) New Business * a) Executive Director discussion Discussion about idea of hiring an Executive Director as an independent consultant rather than an employee and aspects of the draft job description. Mr. Prabhakar and Mr. Coar volunteered to work on a Statement of Work for an Executive Director. * b) Adding Board Observers Discussion of possible inclusion of Andy Oliver as a formal Board Observer. Board Observers are invited by the President. Mr. Tiemann will invite Mr. Oliver to join the next board meeting. * c) Website Mirrors, Pagecounts, etc Discussion of delinquent page count issue. Mr. Mallet (our webmaster) is working on it. Discussion of translations issue. Ms. Cooper will work with Mr. Asay to institute an Alfresco-based solution to the problem. Ms. Cooper will respond to current Polish translation team request with this information. * d) MSFT open source submission PR Discussion of need to find PR resource to be prepared for increased interest in OSI if and when MSFT submits their license. Mr. Tiemann will approach Linux Foundation and OSAIA and Ms. Cooper will look for PR consultant. * e) Shareholder proposal from Jonas Kron Discussion of proposal received today in email. Item will be discussed at next regular board meeting September 5th Mr. Tiemann moved that we adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Coar. Passed by general consent. Meeting adjourned 9:57pm PDT.

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.