OSI Board Meeting Minutes, January 11th, 2008

via IRC (Freenode.net/#osi)... Meeting called to order at 8:00am PST Attendees: Ms. Danese Cooper Mr. Michael Tiemann Ms. Alolita Sharma Mr. Russ Nelson Mr. Ken Coar Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma Mr. Raj Mathur Observers: Mr. Zak Greant Topics held for next meeting due to time constraints: 1. Old Business a) Japanese Fonts (Mr. Tiemann) Discussion of problem / opportunity of adding OSI support for licenses written in languages other than English. Japanese developers need to support Unicode characters. Mr. Mark Webbink (of our Legal Advisory Board) has previously indicated that he welcomes the challenge of working on the Japanese Font issue. We can use the TRAC system to manage talking points with the Japanese group. Mr. Tiemann will draft language for review by board. b) Alfresco Internationalization report (Ms. Sharma) Will set up concall with Alfreso and our webmasters to get a common understanding of what will happen next. Ms. Sharma will report progress and hopefully a work schedule with Alfresco at the next BOD meeting. She hopes to have Alfresco installed before next BOD meeting for testing. Goal is we should have a defined workflow whereby anybody can write a translation of any page, some trusted, qualified reviewer (or sufficiently independent reviewing parties) can validate it, and then it becomes a translated page. Separately, we have a way to set lang prefs so that if there is a native page in the pref'd lang, it is shown (with a link back to English). Discussion of how to get reviewers we can trust. c) Minutes scrub (Mr. Tiemann) Ms. Cooper left the quorum at 8:46am PST, but Mr. Coar and Nnenna joined before 9:00am (PST). The minutes edited and approved were: * December 13, 2006 (moved by Mr. Tiemann, seconded by Ms. Sharma, passed by general assent with Mr. Nelson and Ms. Nwakanma absent) * January 31, 2007 (moved by Mr. Tiemann, seconded by Ms. Sharma, passed unanimously) * February 1, 2007 (moved by Mr. Tiemann, seconded by Ms. Sharma, passed unanimously) * February 7, 2007 (moved by Mr. Tiemann, seconded by Mr. Mathur, passed unanimously) * March 9, 2007 (moved by Mr. Tiemann, seconded by Ms. Cooper, who rejoined at 10:00am PST, passed unanimously) Ms. Nwakanma excused herself from the meeting at 10:00am PST and did not vote on the March 9, 2007 minutes. 2. New Business a) 10th Anniversary plans for OSCON Discussion and brainstorming about 10 anniversary party plans. 2008 is also 10th anniversary of OSCON. Ms. Cooper will schedule a brainstorming session with O'Reilly. b) OSI Enforcement c) Observer Code of Conduct Meeting adjourned at 10:22am PST.

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.