OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 09:04 am PST.


Board Members

  1. Mr. Michael Tiemann, President (joined at 9:13)
  2. Mr. Ken Coar, Director
  3. Ms. Danese Cooper, Treasurer (joined at 9:08)
  4. Mr. Harshad Gune, Director (on IRC)
  5. Mr. Martin Michlmayr, Director
  6. Mr. Russell Nelson, Director
  7. Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Director (on IRC)
  8. Mr. Andrew Oliver, Director (joined at 9:11)
  9. Ms. Alolita Sharma, Secretary

Guests and Observers


Expected, but Not Present

  1. Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Director
  2. Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel

Sent Regrets

  1. Mr. Simon Phipps, Board Observer


  1. Annual Board Election
  2. Next Board Meeting

Board Elections

  • Election Details can be found on the OSI wiki (re: 2010 Election Ballot).
  • Please review new board member applications on the OSI wiki.
  1. 2010 Fabio Kon Application
  2. 2010 Tony Wasserman Application
  3. 2010 Simon Phipps Application
  • Other election information can be found on the OSI wiki (re: Board Elections).
  • Mr. Tiemann started the discussion and election process.

New Board Members on the Ballot (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011)

  • Dr. Fabio Kon

Dr. Fabio Kon is an active participant on the FLOSSCC project. Mr. Tiemann as well as Ms. Sharma both reinforced his participation.

  • Dr. Tony Wasserman

Dr. Tony Wasserman is also an active participant on both Open Source Education and FLOSSCC initiatives. Mr. Tiemann and Ms. Sharma both reinforced his participation.

  • Mr. Simon Phipps

Mr. Phipps' candidacy also discussed. Mr. Nelson, Mr. Coar, Ms. Sharma, Mr. Tiemann, Ms. Cooper, Mr. Oliver participated in the discussion about communication and experience.

Resignation of Board Member

  • Mr. Coar has announced that he would like to resign his position as board member.

Mr. Tiemann moved that we accept Mr. Coar's resignation effective April 1st, 2010. Ms. Cooper seconded the motion. Motion passed by general consent.

Mr. Tiemann also recognized Mr. Coar's service to the OSI and thanked him on behalf of the board for his participation.

Confirmations of Board Members (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012):

  • Mr. Andrew Oliver (end of first year)

Ms. Cooper moves that we reconfirm Mr. Oliver for the remainder of his term. Mr. Nelson seconds. Motion passed by general consent.

Dr. Michlmayr and Ms. Sharma hoped that Mr. Oliver will allocate more time to work on various OSI projects underway. Mr. Oliver expected he will have more time this coming year for OSI projects and will coordinate with respective team members to make progress.

Re-Election of Board Members (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2013):

  • Ms. Alolita Sharma

New Board Members (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011):

  • Dr. Fabio Kon
  • Mr. Simon Phipps
  • Dr. Tony Wasserman

Mr. Tiemann moves that the following slate for election.

  • Ms. Alolita Sharma (for a second term)
  • Dr. Fabio Kon
  • Mr. Simon Phipps
  • Dr. Tony Wasserman

Mr. Oliver states for the record that he will miss Ms. Nwakanma's positive participation on the OSI board.

Ms. Cooper moves that the board vote for the new slate of directors. Mr. Coar seconds. Motion passed by general consent.

Appointment of Board Observers

  • Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma
  • Mr. Ken Coar

Mr. Tiemann also appointed Mr. Coar as a board observer effective April 1st, 2010 subject to OSI's terms and conditions. Mr. Tiemann requested Ms. Nwakanma to send him email to officially express her interest to serve as an OSI board observer. Ms. Sharma will follow-up with Ms. Nwakanma to formalize request to the President.

Appointment of Emeritus Board Members

  • Mr. Rishab Aiyer Ghosh

Ms. Cooper moves that Mr. Ghosh be conferred emeritus status effective April 1st, 2010. Mr. Coar seconds. Motion passed by general consent.

  • Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma

Mr. Tiemann moves that Ms. Nwakanma be conferred emeritus status effective April 1st, 2010. Mr. Coar seconds. Motion passed by general consent.

  • Mr. Ken Coar

Mr. Tiemann moves that Mr. Coar be conferred emeritus status effective April 1st, 2010. Mr. Nelson seconds. Motion passed by general consent.

Retirement of Board Observers

  • Dr. Ernie Prabhakar
  • Mr. Bdale Garbee

Mr. Tiemann moves that Dr. Prabhakar and Mr. Garbee be retired as board observers. The board appreciates Dr. Prabhakar's and Mr. Garbee's participation as OSI's board observers.

The election of officers for next year (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011) is deferred until next month's meeting.

Action Items:

  • Mr. Tiemann will send email to announce retirement of inactive board observers as well as appointment of new board observers.
  • Ms. Sharma will update opensource.org to represent the new board and other organizational changes.

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI BOD meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 7, 2010. However there maybe some scheduling conflicts for certain board members (Mr. Tiemann, Mr. Oliver, Ms. Cooper). So a convenient date will be selected for the next board meeting via further email discussion.

Mr. Oliver moves that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Tiemann seconds.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:18 AM PST.

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For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

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