OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:05 UTC.


Board Members

  1. Ms. Deborah Bryant, Director
  2. Mr. Karl Fogel, Director
  3. Mr. Fabio Kon, Director
  4. Mr. Martin Michlmayr, Secretary
  5. Mr. Mike Milinkovich, Director
  6. Mr. Simon Phipps, President
  7. Mr. Luis Villa, Director
  8. Mr. Tony Wasserman, Director



Expected, but Not Present

  1. Mr. Mark Radcliffe, General Counsel

Sent Regrets

  1. Mr. Harshad Gune, Director
  2. Mr. Jim Jagielski, Director
  3. Ms. Alolita Sharma, Treasurer


  1. Officer Reports
  2. Committee Reports
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
  5. Action items
  6. Next Board Meeting

Officer Reports

President's Report (Mr. Phipps)

Mr. Phipps provided a verbal report on trademark enforcement status:

Mr. Jagielski has not been able to participate in any of the trademark activity yet but Mr. Phipps has made some progress. He had a call with the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA). Most of their board attended and our general counsel, Mark Radcliffe, attended too. OSHWA have taken Mark Radcliffe's trademark template, will fill in their terms and get back to us. We will then evaluate whether these terms are acceptable by us or whether we require any modifications.

Mr. Phipps also had a call with the Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). They are about open source software, not open hardware. However, it's not clear whether everything they will do will be open source, which would be problematic if they used our logo design.

Mr. Phipps expects applications from both organizations back for our August board meeting.

Mr. Phipps would like to create a trademark committee with Mr. Jagielski as chair. The board approved this request. The infrastructure committee will create a mailing list for the new trademark committee.

Mr. Phipps would like to create tasks and make public mailing lists for them so everyone can join and help out. When we do something, it should be in public. Ms. Bryant suggested that we need a pubic wiki. Mr. Fogel thought that Drupal with proper access control could provide the infrastructure required. The infrastructure committee agreed to create infrastructure to allow collaboration, which can be used for OSCON coordination, membership discussions and more.

Secretary's Report (Mr. Michlmayr)

Mr. Michlmayr reports that the May and June minutes are outstanding and that the approved April minutes have not been posted to our web site yet.

Treasurer's Report (Ms. Sharma)

Ms. Sharma reported on recent treasurer activities.

General Counsel's Report (Mr. Radcliffe)

No report submitted.

Committee Reports

(Listed in alphabetical order)

Education Committee (Mr. Wasserman)

Mr. Wasserman mentioned that he had had a conversation with Roberto Galoppini from SourceForge and some people from OSS Watch about having a single place that serves as a central repository about FOSS. SourceForge might be interested in contributing information. We would need to find a critical mass to create and maintain it. The board agreed that it was a good idea and what it would fit our mission well. However, we'd need contributions and funding to make it possible. Mr. Wasserman said he would get in touch with Mr. Galoppini again to discuss how to proceed.

License Committee (Mr. Villa)

Mr. Villa has tentative agreement from his employer to lead the License Committee but still needs to sign a formal agreement.

Mr. Villa has started collecting Code of Conducts to use as the basis for our own.

Still outstanding (no progress):

  • CeCILL
  • Ongoing discussion about web site

Membership-Governance Committee (Mr. Phipps)

Mr. Phipps has received applications for Affiliate status from:

  • SouJava - Brazilian Java User Group, recommend accept
  • TurboCash - for profit, declined
  • Open Source Software Institute, recommend accept
  • INRIA - clarifying status
  • Python Software Foundation - recommend accept

Mr. Phipps proposed to accept the applications from SouJava, Open Source Software Institute, and Python Software Foundation. Mr. Fogel seconded. The motion passed.

Mr. Kon would like to see a page with a paragraph from each affiliate on why they support open source and OSI. Mr. Phipps suggested that alternatively they could do a guest blog on opensource.org.

Personal Membership: Mr. Wasserman designed a postcard for OSCON. There was some discussion about the design and how many to print.

Policy and Economic Development Committee (Ms. Bryant)

Ms. Bryant is planning to propose a charter of this committee in August. She intends to meet with some people at OSCON who were on this committee in the past in order to get a better understanding of the mission and previous work.

Administrative Committees

Communications Committee (Mr. Phipps)

Mr. Phipps has published the affiliate pages on June 18.

IT Infrastructure Committee (Mr. Fogel)

Mr. Fogel reports:

  • Joe Murray is implementing our membership system. A demo will be ready soon. We need a privacy policy now that we're collecting more data from users.
  • Patrick French installed APC for PHP caching, after some site slowdowns.
  • Mr. Michlmayr raised max upload size for file attachments to 8MB; also helped debug some attachment issues.
  • Mr. Michlmayr upgraded us to Drupal 7, created a Mollom account, and made other site back-end improvements.

Old Business

Review of Action Items

  • Ms. Sharma: check if we can get a credit card reader, so we can accept card payments at OSCON
  • Ms. Sharma: check and document how OSI can accept international payments. Status: done.
  • Mr. Jagielski: update OSI logo from TM to (R)
  • Mr. Jagielski: update other trademark pages and trademark contact pages
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: membership system. Status: in progress (see Infrastructure Committee report)
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: a way for members to conduct conversations (a discussion forum).
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: look into Google Voice to provide phone number for OSI
  • Mr. Michlmayr: fix email address used by new contact page. Status: done.
  • Mr. Michlmayr: migrate web server to our VM. Status: done.
  • Mr. Michlmayr: upgrade web server to Drupal 7. Status: done.
  • Mr. Fogel: unify contact page
  • Mr. Villa: produce Code of Conduct for forums.
  • Mr. Phipps: circulate draft trademark license agreement to board. Status: done.
  • Mr. Phipps: work on announcement of new affiliates (Wikimedia, OW2, Document Foundation). Status: done.
  • Mr. Wasserman: Create & print postcard to promote individual membership (for OSCON). Status: in progress.
  • Mr. Wasserman: draft Messaging / Talking Points / Market Segmentation document.
  • Mr. Wasserman: double-check that we can accept membership fees before we change our bylaws.
  • Unassigned: work on paper-based backup for member signup at OSCON

New Business

  • OSCON planning: Ms. Bryant is working on a booth roster and asked all board members attending OSCON to volunteer for booth duty. Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Phipps will work on their slides. Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Kon will work on the design of the postcard and a paper backup for membership signups.
  • Date for next face-to-face meeting: the board agreed to hold the next face-to-face meeting in San Francisco on November 10 and 11.

Action Items

  • Ms. Bryant: propose charter for Policy and Economic Development Committee by August.
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: create list for trademark committee.
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: mailing list for collaboration space.
  • Mr. Fogel/Infra: wiki-like functionality for collaboration space.
  • Mr. Phipps: find out if we can put postcard in OSCON delegate bag.
  • Mr. Phipps: contact general counsel to discuss membership and by-laws.
  • Mr. Villa: check if we can use office facilities in SF for November f2f.
  • Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Kon: create paper form to sign up as personal member (for OSCON).
  • Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Kon: finalize design of postcard for OSCON.
  • Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Phipps: Work on slides for OSCON.
  • Unassigned: create privacy statement for membership program.
  • Everyone: Sign up for booth duty at OSCON.

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI BOD meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 1, 2012.

Meeting adjourned at 16:07 UTC.

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.