OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday June 4th, 2014


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:10 UTC.


Board Members

Deb Bryant
Richard Fontana (15:20 UTC)
Leslie Hawthorn
Patrick Masson
Mike Milinkovich
Allison Randal
Bruno Souza (15:41 UTC)
Tony Wasserman (UTC15:26-15:59)
Luis Villa
Stefano Zacchiroli



Sent Regrets

Simon Phipps

Expected, but Not Present

Officer Reports

President's Report (Simon)

No report

Secretary's Report (Patrick)

Minutes Review and Approval

Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the above minutes
Discussion: Mike pointed out a typo and misspelling within the April 30th notes. These was corrected.
Vote: Passes unanimously

Treasurer's Report (Mike)

For the Month Ending 5/31/14

Total Assets: $142,913.18 (May) vs. $131,317.06 (April) an increase of $11,596.12, mainly $5,000 due to a Sponsor contribution and $3,835 in cash income over cash expenses.

*Note: In reviewing last month's Treasurer's report there is a discrepancy in  April's balance sheet which now shows $131,317.06.  (Reported as $156,317.06) The difference between the April total assets then ($156,317.06) and now ($131,317.06) is the $25,000 in Grants Receivable which no longer shows on the April Balance Sheet.

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $25024.00
  • Memberships: $240.00
  • Open Hatch: Contributions this month nearly equal distributions last month: $311.98 vs $311.88
  • Interest: $5.69

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $25,269.79

  • Income Receivable $5,000.00 from corporate sponsorship
  • Major Contributions this year: $105,000

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll $9,045.39
  • Professional $3,682.05
  • Supplies $172.20
  • Bank Fees $50.18 (Wire $35; Payroll $12.18; nonWF $3)
  • Meetings $8,243.83 (Boston mostly; OSCON Portland 2013 $405.88 )
  • Website Hosting $229.60
  • Paypal $7.69

Total Uses of Funds $21,433.94

Accounts reconciled: Wells Fargo Savings and Checking, April and May; Paypal through September 2013

General Counsel's Report (Mark)

No report.

General Manager Report (Patrick)

Update on Intern Program, ready to move to website?

Portfolio Reports

Affiliate Membership (Richard)

(recruitment, benefits, communication)

Mis Tribus as withdrawn their application for Affiliate Membership. The Puerto Rico Python Interest Group (PRPIG) has submitted an application for consideration. Richard Fontana has reviewed the application and recommends the OSI accept their application to become an Affiliate Member.

Motion (Fontana): Accept PRPIG's application for Affiliate Membership
Second (Deb):
Discussion: None
Vote: Passed unanimously

OpenHatch: An application has been submitted and is under review.

Richard and Patrick are reviewing current Affiliate application to update and serve as framework for edu and user-group affiliates.

Brand Identity (Deb)

Progress on OSI re-brand (Awareness Working Group) since our Boston face-to-face board meeting includes

  • Inventory of social media assets started by Patrick and how being leveraged (with additional detail also here on Technology Systems Hub)
    • Leslie  Hawthorn is expanding on that work plus obtaining access to all OSI  social media channels, working on a small project to improve our use of  them in the short term, joining Awareness Work Group to provide guidance  to our strategy in that plan
  • Met with volunteer Ed at Agile PR (Masson & Bryant) for planning the OSI Board Comm Workshop designed to facilitate the value proposition refinement.
    • Time is donated, will request budget for out of pocket.
    • Approach is to take advantage of members already present at OSCON in a face to face meeting.
    • Plan is for Masson to propose budget for workshop at June board meeting for board consideration and approval
    • Please weigh in on your availability in our meeting time poll  if you think can participate during OSCON week
    • Will include details of the meeting on the OSCON planning page as they become available
    • Workshop output will be documented and come back to the full board for review.

Corporate Sponsorship (Mike)

(fund-raising and financial development)


Offered to sponsor OSI from the proceeds of their recent conference. Jane has generated an invoice.

Engineering  Inc

Request more information on sponsorship. OSI's Mike and Patrick will be meeting with Engineering Inc at OSCON.

Education and Training (Tony)

(activities related to research, teaching and learning; professional development)

Visited a few university's to promote open source and introduce OSI.

Incubator (Simon)

No Report

Individual Membership (Allison)

(recruitment, benefits, communication)

Reviewing 1000+ outstanding memberships; contacting to check on interest

Developing benefits through affiliates/sponsors


Teaming with other conferences for membership recruitment (event sign up)

Reviving other foundations' benefits/practices

membership analysis (who are our members and what do they want)

Infrastructure (Bruno)

OSL to host infrastructure.

Assets management, how can we make better than SVN? ownCloud might be an option. Current load might allow for free use.

License Approval (Luis)

Current reviewing UPL

Marketing (Leslie)

  • Completed an inventory of existing communications channels for the OSI, now documented on the Technology Hub page
    • We have questions around administrative access for:
      • Facebook?
      • Google+ known moderators, looking to tune participation/circles
      • Linkedin page -  not clear on how folks are associated with people
      • Wikipedia
      • Google Analytics
  • Investigated the opportunity to contribute to opensource.com on the OSI's activities. We have been invited to contribute interviews with our new board members. I can follow up with individual board members who would enjoy being profiled.
    • send questions or conduct phone interviews
    • highly recommended to promote OSI / OSI benefits
    • Tie this to value proposition results to create promotional campaign
  • Reviewed and provided extensive feedback on our forthcoming newsletter. Many thanks to Patrick for creating it. Open question: when will it be sent?
  • Been working through some emails sent to the board support alias. Would love other folks jumping in or guidance on what responses can wait/drop.
  • Leslie is requesting more support for responding to lists
  • Outstanding to do items: review incoming opportunities for engagement with educational affiliates and events, better grok the landscape.

Trademark Stewardship (Zack)

Reviews/remarks related to trademark violation letters.

Work with Luis to adopt wikimedia approach to communicating trademark policies http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_policy

Standing Committees

Budget (Mike)

No report.

Membership (Allison)

No Report

Advocacy Committee (Deb)

No Report

Election Committee: (Simon)

Individual, Affiliate, Infrastructure

Old Business

Review of Action Items

Please review the current list of open issues, tasks, requests on Redmine.

Please review the current activities and issues on the OSI Portfolio Dashboard.

New Business

Proposal to participate in the Open Reception at Educause 2014 (http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference).

  • Please see Educause & Affiliate Opportunity/Invitation
  • Considering  our expansion of the Affiliate Program to include educational  institutions, this would be an appropriate and opportune event. As this  event exceeds the GM's $2,500 spending threshold, approval is required. Estimated Costs:
    • $7,500  co-host reception with Apereo (as others come on, ESUP, OuterCurve, MIT  Open Sourceware, Creative Commons, etc., OSI costs will go down)
    • $0 Conference session
    • $660 Educause conference registration (might be able to have UMass cover this)
    • $250 Airfare, Albany to Orlando
    • $800 Hotel (3 nights hotel)
    • $9,210 Total
  • In  addition to the Open Registration event were we can promote our  Educational Affiliates program, the conference will also provide the OSI  with the opportunity to meet with potential corporate sponsors working  with open source in the education sector. I have a list started here: http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/XWiki/Educause

OSCON (Community Leaders) Planning

  • See wiki page
  • Board recommends Patrick should attend

Is this something we might be interested in: internet freedom.https://www.resetthenet.org/

  • TODO: Zack to provide Board with summary of project/org and Key actions: Promote opens source tools, e.g. Tor, security enhancing plug-ins
  • We can support just by promoting the project and referenced toolsDo we want to be recognized for our support.
  • Challenge is timing as today is the last day to provide support.http://osi.xwiki.com/bin/XWiki/Educause

Bruno reported on his attendance at _______

  • There appears to be some concern about FSF (FISL) vs. OSI.
  • The Board may want to monitor/contribute to the conversation. We might suggest that this individual connect with John Sullivan.
  • Bruno to send to Patrick links to content/discussions for follow-up with John Sullivan.

Action Items

Please review the current activities and issues on the OSI Portfolio Dashboard.

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for July 9th, 2014

Meeting adjourned at 16:47 UTC

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.