OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, Octiber 8th, 2014

Board Members Meeting called to order 16:07 UTC
  • Deb Bryant
  • Richard Fontana
  • Allison Randal: (Arrived, 16:25 UTC)
  • Patrick Masson
  • MIke Milinkovich (Departed, 11:30)
  • Bruno Souza
  • Tony Wasserman
  • Stefano "Zack" Zacchiroli
Sent Regrets
  • Leslie Hawthorn
  • Simon Phipps
  • Luis Villa
Officer Reports President's Report (Simon) None Secretary's Report (Patrick)
  • MOTION: Patrick - Approve Draft Minutes for Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
  • Second: Zack
  • Discussion: Modifications of start times
  • Vote: Yes 7, ; No, 0 ; Abstain, 0
  • Passed
  • MOTION: Patrick - Postpone Nov. 5th BoD meeting to Face to Face.
  • Second: Mike
  • Discussion: Planning page to 
  • Vote: Yes, 7; No, 0; Abstain, 0
  • Passed
Please monitor / review / contribute to the Face to Face planning page. Treasurer's Report (Mike, but mostly Jane) Mike and Patrick should contact corporate sponsors to confirm continued support for 2015. Inquiry about Flattr (from tbm, relayed by zack): Are the donations made through Flattr transfered to paypal on a regular basis? (tbm used to do that)? Patrick responded "yes, Jane is taking care of that for the Board." For the Month Ending September 30, 2014 Total Assets: 
  • $95,417.58 compared to $ 103,886.71 a decrease of $ 8,469.13 which can be explained by the combination of $1133.99 less $12119.25 less $2516.16 (see below)
  • We transferred $ 901.47 in USD from Paypal in September.
Income or Sources of Funds:
  • Contributions: $149.00
  • Memberships: $640 (16 x $40)
  • Open Hatch: Received $663.46 paid $ 321.46 (actually paid 10/8/14) for a net cash inflow of $342.00
  • Interest: $2.99
Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 1133.99
  • Grants Receivable $5000.00 from Twitter
  • $4000.00 from SpagoBI (Our bank information has been sent)
Major Contributions to date this year:
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 5000
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 25000
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 20000
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 25000
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 25000
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 2500
  • Corporate Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced May and outstanding
Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $12119.25
  • Payroll $ 9038.01
  • Professional $ 1603.77 (as of 10/6/14:Tor Ekland to date $2335.82 of $6000)
  • Bank Fees $ 50.68
  • Meetings $ 1172.68
  • Website Hosting $ 229.60
  • Paypal $ 24.51
Change in Liabilities (Payroll liabilities increase) $2516.16 Total Uses of Funds $ 8,469.13
  • Note: Accrued payroll taxes are due to be paid in October, about $9K
Accounts reconciled:
  • Wells Fargo Savings and Checking, September 2014;
  • Paypal through September 2013
General Counsel's Report (Mark) None General Manager Report (Patrick) Operations Board
  • Face to Face meeting planning
  • Boston BoD Meeting Reimbursements 
  • Fiscal Sponsorship report from OpenHatch
  • Kitware staffing
Portfolios Affiliate Membership
  • inquiry from:
  • ChickTech
  • Moodle
  • Open Source for America
Patrick and Richard to better define eligibility for edu, user group and affiliate.Address issues around definitions of openness in education and use brand.Patrick to notify Mautic that the Board did not vote. Corporate Sponsors
  • Engineering Group
  • Invoicing
  • Graphic design / logos
  • General Electric Research
  • Craigslist acknowledgement
Individual Memberships
  • New membership cards
  • Membership mailing lists responses
  • Joomla! World Conference discount
  • Hosting negotiations with ADG / Studio136
  • Wiki self-registration form updates
  • Wiki spam and user verification
  • NYU / amicus brief data/information
  • Patrick to add stats
  • Channel Analytics
    • Twitter, Google Analytics, XWiki, Drupal, etc.
  • Communications
    • 395 Tweets
  • Events
    • Educause
    • Conference Session: planning, speakers, promotions
    • Open Communities Reception: planning, sponsorships, promotions
    • SC14
  • Press Releases
  • Open Source Integrators
  • International Registration
  • Discussion around strategic w/Patrick send invite
  • Qabel follow-up
Working Groups
  • FLOSS Entities payments
  • FLOW Syllabus Meetings
  • FOSSEL: Patrick to send out proposal.
  • Make sure we provide feedback on why it was declined if that is the outcome, but how may better align with OSI or an existing project. Folks shouls offer suggestions bout how they can proceed.
Portfolio Reports Affiliate Membership (Richard) None Brand Identity (Deb) None Corporate Sponsorship (Mike) None Education and Training (Tony) TODO (as in http://todogroup.org/) update: After announcement Tony talked to James Pierce (Facebook) who is leading effort of the 10 companies. 
  • Very early days and might have been expecting the level of interest following annnouncement
  • Acknowledged they may not be aware of the broader community. Tony provided contacts.
  • Open to working with OSI
  • Open to expanding to other companies
  • They have not meet as a group yet
  • Tony asked to be included in communications (mailings, meetings, etc.)
  • Might want to invite James to meet at F2F.
  • How can OSI work with TODO
  • Publisize help raise participation in TODO work/initiaatives
  • Board Directors support their efforts through references (people) and resources (activities/events)
  • OSI can influence their work and direction
  • TODO interest in OSI
  • Appeared open to work with those who can forward their goals (although those might not be well defined)
  • What would the OSI want to do with them?
  • OSI should take the opportunity to align our work/values with TODO
  • We can send an invitation to the TODO folks for the F2F.
  • Patrick to send discussion email.
Incubator (Simon) Review working group proposal "Founding an Open Source Software Engineering Laboratory (FOSSEL)." Individual Membership (Allison) Ongoing Activity See Portfolio Page Member Benefits Joomla! World Conference benefit: 50% off registration Intended Recipients 226 Tracked Opens 68 Click-throughs 2 Memberships
  • 32 new/renewed Individual Memberships attempted
  • 9 new/renewed Individual Memberships attempted
  • 21 new/renewed Individual Memberships pending
Infrastructure (Bruno)
  • Received proposal review back from AGD for OSI web site redesign/hosting, so we will begin moving forward with the project.
    • Auditing current web site to identify current/relevant content
    • Approach will be to stand up Drupal and CiviCRM environment; implement desired functionality; migrate content/data.
    • Working with Allison on workflow for memberships for our members.
    • Working with Leslie on information architecture.
    • Will create an archive of historical information rather than having historical pages as part of the front end navigation.
  • Under review: Our elections tool.
License Approval (Luis) Marketing (Leslie)
  • Developed initial messaging index based on input from Agile PR as a result of our messaging workshop at OSCON.  http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/awareness_home
  • Going  forward, will be meeting with Deb Bryant bi-weekly to prioritize and  continue executing on deliverables for the awareness working group.  (Patrick need your help to set this up.)
Ongoing Activity See Portfolio Page Events Educause: Open Communities Reception & Openness Constituent Group Leads Corporate Sponsor Affiliate Educational Affiliate   Acquia Kaltura Casper College   Blackboard Kuali Foundation Central Florida   Dell Solar Clemson   Kaltura   Framingham   Longsite   Madison College   Moodlerooms Nebraska - Lincoln   Pearson   Pfeiffer   Unicon   RIT   Vivantech   Southern Queensland       Thompson Rivers   Communication Channel Stats OSI Website
  • Sessions: 225,133 | Users: 201,456 | Pageviews: 366,477 | Pages / Session: 1.63 Avg. Session Duration: 00:01:05 | Bounce Rate: 77.39% | New Sessions: 86.36%
Hits Page 1346441 The MIT License (MIT) licenses/MIT 745425 Blogs blog/ 347088 The Open Source Initiative front 253474 The BSD 2-Clause License licenses/BSD-2-Clause 179031 Common Public License Version 1.0 licenses/cpl1.0.txt 115502 GNU General Public License Versions licenses/gpl-license 67983 Open Source Licenses licenses 65694 Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0) licenses/CDDL-1.0 61748 The Open Source Definition osd 50857 The BSD 3-Clause License licenses/BSD-3-Clause 49697 About the Open Source Initiative about 40985 Frequently Answered Questions faq 39745 The Open Source Definition (Annotated) osd-annotated 36907 Apache License, Version 2.0 licenses/Apache-2.0 30067 LGPL Licenses licenses/lgpl-license 29010 Will The Real Open Source CRM Please Stand Up? node/163 26271 GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) licenses/gpl-3.0.html 24909 OSI Corporate Sponsors & Partners support 22185 GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0) licenses/gpl-2.0.php 17801 Licenses by Name licenses/alphabetical 16824 Terms of Service ToS 16295 OSI Affiliate Membership affiliates 16054 Open Standards Requirement osr-intro Twitter (@OpenSourceOrg)
  • New followers: 433 | Impressions 361.7K | Link clicks: 589 | Retweets: 329 | Favorites: 319 | Replies: 25
  • Twitter activity
OSI Wiki All time Hits Page Space 527,009 WebHome Main 69015 SpaceIndex Main 67355 FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducation Projects September Top Page Hits of Sept. 2014  Views   Edits WebHome in Space Main   56882  0 FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducationQuestionnaire in Space Projects   13957   0 IRS Ruling Documentation in Space Projects   9451   16 FreeLibreOpenWorksManagementEducation in Space Projects   6660   0 Code of Conduct for OSI Wiki in Space OSI Operations   4761   0 WebHome in Space OSI Operations   3780   0 2014_election in Space OSI Board of Directors   3553   0 Open Source Initiative Working Groups in Space Projects   3354   4 2013 Individual Membership Candidates in Space OSI Operations   3192   0 Trademarks in Space OSI Operations   3126   0 Technology Systems in Space OSI Operations   2961   0 WebHome in Space OSI Board of Directors   2949   0 Responsibilities of the Board in Space OSI Board of Directors   2826   0 WebHome in Space Projects   2640   0 Characteristics of OSI Working Groups in Space Projects   2566   0 volunteering in Space Communities   2492   0 DraftingWiki_OSI-EDU-WG in Space Projects   2424   0 WebHome in Space Communities   2358   0 OSI-Logo Misuse in Space OSI Operations   2261   0 List of Licensing Tools in Space Projects   2199   1 Affiliate Agreement in Space Communities   2152   0 Open Source Case for Business in Space Projects   1998   0 Affiliate_Status in Space Communities   1992   12 About the Flow Syllabus in Space Projects   1944   1 OSI Website Page Improvements in Space Projects   1911   0 Microblogging (Twitter & Identi.ca) in Space OSI Operations   1901   3 Welcome in Space Main   1893   0 tldr in Space Projects   1859   0 XWikiSyntax in Space XWiki   1843   0 Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) in Space OSI Operations   1819   0 How to apply an open source license to your project in Space Projects   1777   0 Definitions — Factors of Productions in Space Projects   1728   0 flow-syllabus in Space Projects   1716   0 draft-flow-syllabus in Space Projects   1695   0 affiliatePR in Space Communities   1688   3 Marketing & Communications Working Notes in Space OSI Operations   1672   9 About FLOW and RENT Relationships in Space Projects   1661   4 jpotvin in Space XWiki   1646   0 Archived Discussions on Not Approved Licenses in Space Projects   1593   0 Press Releases Release Hits Published prPIG Joins the Open Source Initiative® 315 2014-08-25 OSI and Conservancy Announce US Tax Exemption Working Group 364 2014-08-12 Open Source Initiative (OSI) Announces New Affiliate Member, DemocracyLab 200 2014-07-08 Open Source Initiative (OSI) Announces New Affiliate Members 426 2014-03-15 Newsletters Delivery Summary July/August May/June Mar/April Jan/Feb Intended Recipients 1987 1886 1753 1693 Tracked Opens 257 239 232 260 Click-throughs 109 58 72 106 Opt-out Requests 1  0 5 3 Trademark Stewardship (Zack) Standing Committees Budget (Mike) Membership (Allison)
  • MOTION: Richard - Approve Application from BigBlueButton Inc. for Affiliate Membership (Signed Agreement  / Cover Letter)
  • Second: Patrick
  • Discussion: 
  • Vote: Yes, 7; No, 0; Abstain, 1
  • Passed
Advocacy Committee (Deb) Discussion (Patrick): Board Member Cross-Promotion
  • After  now attending four open source / technology conferences, I'm wondering  how we might be able to take advantage of the many events our board is  invited to and participates in? Can we establish some sort of practice  for Directors to include OSI awareness when they participate in relevant  events?
Discussion (Deb & Mark): U.S. Government to develop policy on open source. Election Committee: (Simon) Old Business Please review the current list of open issues, tasks, requests on Redmine. Next Board Meeting The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Nov. 11th & 12th.
  • MOTION: Adjourn meeting.
  • Second: Patrick
  • Discussion: 
  • Vote: Yes, 8; No, 0; Abstain, 0
  • Passed
Meeting adjourned at... 17:30 UTC<otion to adjornTonyBruno.

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.