Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 17:02 UTC.
Board Members
- Zack
- Paul
- Italo
- Allison
- Patrick
- Josh
- Richard
- Molly (17:20 UTC)
- None
Expected, but Not Present
- Mike
- Deb
Sent Regrets
- Leslie
Officer Reports
- Motion to approve minutes (Patrick)
https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/OSI+Board+of+Directors/Board+Meeting+Notes/Spring2016_F2F_Meeting_Notes/ - Treasurer's report (Mike), see Appendix A
Board Topics
- Revisit "Executive Director" role, rejected during initial hire period by board in favor of "General Manager" role [postponed to next meeting]
- LH is supportive.
- Discussion on possibility of open board meetings, for transparency (with option for a closed executive session for some portions). More inviting for members and volunteers to get involved.
- Fits into goals to engage more with Affiliates (per F2F meeting/goals)
- As a member-based organization would be good way to engage
- Have to figure out practical matters: platform, audience participation...
- How would we manage executive sessions
- Who could join: Individual Members, Affilaite Reps, anyone?
- Will questions / comments be allowed?
- Could be a good way to promote volunteers.
- Team focused calls currently allow member engagement.
- Could increase membership through direct engagement.
- Experiences related from three other directors' experiences, they do not see a lot of uptake/participation.
- Perhaps set up a "membership call" at a specific time for others to call in.
- ACTION: Patrick to develop framework / set practices / house rules on how this might occur.
- Should probably run a few with just the board before launching publicly.
Membership Topics
- Clever name for volunteer organization, ask Shelly [postponed to next meeting]
- In holding pattern, more info by next meeting but shared in interim.
Communications Topics
- Newsletter should we keep or dump [postponed from Spring F2F]
- LH says that we should keep if we can find someone not Patrick to handle, but it's a useful touch point for our members - if they never hear from us why should they renew? Maybe a volunteer, maybe Italo wants to handle this? It could definitely be shorter and less intensive to create.
- Perhaps this is a broader question for the marketing and communications team.
- Table for discussion with communications
- No one is tied to Newsletter, but everyone agrees we need some engagement.
Fundraising Topics
- Forming the Fundraising Team, initial membership, plan for activities [postponed from Spring F2F]
- Build on the list of "open source office" folks - how to follow up.
- Put together a survey/assessment of how contacts/donations were made/managed?
- Question asked, "Do we have marketing materials for fundraising."
- Affiliate members can (and do) also provide sponsorships.
- Are there benefits to Corporate Sponsorships?
- Can we identify how we want to go about fund-raising
- Goals for fundraising amounts
- Increase by $40K/year (was not agreed to by Board, fundraising team should determine this).
- ACTION: Follow up with Mike on CRA's interest volunteering around fundraising (also TODO connection).
- Try and set a goal of a working meeting every two weeks
- Molly (Lead), Pat, Mike, Italo, Chis
, Josh
, Allison
- Try BBB, Jitsi Meeting service
Legal Topics
- Have a new donated instance of Taiga.io, and created a project for license-review
- Introduce this to the License-Review? Create tickets from most recent status report.
Infrastructure Topics
Have a new donated instance of Taiga.io, and created a project for license-review
Incubator/Project Topics
Review of Timeline
Next Board Meeting
The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2016. Meeting adjourned at...17:59
- Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the meeting minutes of April 21-22, 2016 .
Second (Zack).
Discussion: Small editorial changes, nothting significant. Removed names of sponsors.
Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain.
Appendix A - Treasurer's Report
Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending April 30, 2016
Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $76256.54
Income or Sources of Funds:
- Contributions: $21067.45
- Memberships: $560.00 (14x $40)
- Open Hatch: Received $ 249.66 paid $254.60 diff -4.94
- Snowdrift $ Received 4500.00 / paid 4500.00
- Interest: $1.26
Total Income or Sources of Funds: $21623.77
Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:
- Payroll $ 8970.84
- Professional $ 637.63
- Bank Fees $ Supplies $ Postage, Shipping $ 104.70
- Software $ 3512.10
- Conferences/Conv $139.67
- Working Groups, Project
- Meetings $ 841.49
- Website Hosting $ 583.95
- Paypal $ 52.17
Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $14813.65
Total Assets at End of Period $83066.66
Major Contributions 2016:
- Previous sponsor: $ 25000 received 02/10/16
- Previous sponsor: $ 20000 invoiced 01/11/16 received 04/08/16
- Previous sponsor: $ 20000 invoiced 12/09/15 received 02/10/16
- New Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 12/07/15
- New Sponsor $ 7500 invoiced 12/14/15 paid 02/10/16
- New Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 3/3/16 paid 03/07/16
- Previous sponsor: $
- Previous sponsor: $
- Previous sponsor: $
- Previous sponsor: $ (Patrick to ask Jane, about status)
- Previous sponsor: $
- Previous sponsor: $
- Previous sponsor: $
Appendix B - Team Reports
Communications Team
Membership Team
Fundraising Team
Infrastructure Team
Legal Team
Incubator/Projects Team