June 8th 2016 Board Meeting Minutes


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 12:03 EDT, (17:03 UTC).


Board Members

  • Patrick
  • Paul (left at 1;00)
  • Allison
  • Italo
  • Josh (left 1:27)
  • Richard (left 1:08)
  • Deb
  • Leslie (12:06)
  • Molly (12:07, left 1:20)


Expected, but Not Present

Sent Regrets

  • Zack
  • Mike

Officer Reports

Board Topics

  • "FLOSS Field Guide" Doc Sprint (Josh) (https://docs.google.com/a/joshuasimmons.name/document/d/1hQQwL8lowVc-vKDnOqP4EaqAgxAch2LFE0PINrZHKdI/edit?usp=sharing)
  • Interest among the board and there may already be other orgs the board knows of swhich would be interested.
  • Might this be a Working Group / Incubator Project?
  • Board agrees that this could fit in the existing Beyond Licensing WG.
  • Add to topic in the BL WG call (June 20th)
  • Should this also include non-technical folks, e.g. organizational administrators, etc.
  • The format/platform should be one that all people-types can use.
  • Should the document be specific to different / or broad audiences?
  • Some topics, information, issues may be unique to each audience / role / sector?
  • Like the 3-5 day commitment format that would provide a set time for commitments.
  • Board sees applicability in a long term effort which is updated over time (through additional sprints).
  • Are there issues (current or anticipated) related to content? How is Beyond Licensing managing this now? How might this specific work be affected?
  • The board has been consistent in our neutrality (e.g. licenses) and this project should take the same approach (e.g. not recommending governance models, org structures, etc.).
  • Are there funding needs? Beyond Licensing currently does not have any budget from OSI,
  • Next step: Josh to reach out to Beyond Licensing WG.
  • "Leadership Summit" (Josh)
  • Effort to help develop "leaders" in the / from the open source community (e.g. Ex. Dir. foundations, OSS project leaders, etc.)
  • Is this an area of interest with the OSI?
  • Next steps: Molly will coordinate a discussion with, Leslie, Italo, Deb & Josh to further develop/refine idea though an Education Team meeting?
  • Location and dates of next F2F (Allison): https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/osi-fall-f2f/
  • Review for further decision: Molly and Deb to add availibility.

Membership Topics

  • Individual Members Team meeting/conversation (Molly)
  • General overview
  • Goals for the next "12 months"
  • messaging, potential actions
  • Joint memberships (OSI + other org)
  • Next steps: carry on! TODO: Patrick to work thorugh details with PSF. Molly to post notes on wiki.

Communications Topics

  • General and License List code of conducts.
  • Recent activities on the list resulted in some users being set to "moderated" status.
  • Next Steps: Legal team to review (still appropriate), affirm with Lists, and move to "formal" adoption, not "Beta". (Patrick to put in Taiga).
  • Currently the OSI has two codes of conduct posted for our License Review & Discuss (https://opensource.org/codeofconduct/licensing) list and our other, "General" lists (https://opensource.org/codeofconduct).
  • These  should be reviewed and formalized as they are currently marked, "This  policy is not finalized. Please send feedback and thoughts through your  list, or the OSI Contact Form."
  • Working on process for announcements and amplifying signal to board members about activity - Italo is codifying this process
  • Press list loaded into CiviCRM and tested for bounces by sending out Licenses API press release - thanks Italo and Patrick!
  • Open Summit  was a huge success for OSI - attendees felt like it was the kind of  event they could bring their management to and C-level folks at edu  institutions would "get it"
  • OSCON also successful showing - got  at least 6 new member sign ups at booth. Lowlight: camera kit donated by  Red Hat missing power cable so no videos shot on site. 

Fundraising Topics

Two inquiries from companies asking about corporate sponsorship (Patrick).

  • Follow My Vote: Has committed, unsure of amount.
  • Synopsys: Followed up with information.

Legal Topics

  • Wunderbar representation
  • Comments  from Zack: I think our goal there is twofold. On one hand we want  public recognition that our TM enforcement actions are meant to protect  conscious FOSS users; customers that see the OSI logo on a box should  rest assured they're buying something FOSS-friendly, so we cannot let  this one pass. On the other hand we should really aim for monetary  indemnification for damages here; that product is end of line, so any  other solutions will cost them nothing at all and we would've just  wasted (a lot of) our collective time.
  • Next steps: Legal team to develop goals, submit to Board for feedback and then follow up with Pam
  • Free & Fair
  • OpenCV
  • OpenCamps

Infrastructure Topics

  • Adoption of Taiga.io (Patrick)
  • Everyone should have been invited to different "projects"
  • Board members can post tasks for indivdiuals rather than emailing requests
  • Board tends to lose tasks over lists.
  • Next steps: Allison to set up a call to "walk through" how to use the tool in line with OSI operations/organization. (Patrick, Italo, Richard, Deb and Leslie interested)
  • Transition some mailing lists to Askbot/Redmine*? (Josh)
  • Set up more specific platforms to address specific audiences / contacts.
  • We will need to resource the migration and "operationalization"
  • Next Steps: Josh can to develop a plan and use cases, get feedback from board, then work with infra team to assess needs / resources.
  • Might be an opportunity for Shelly to develop volunteer interest.

Incubator/Project Topics

Potential EDU working group (Molly)

  • Update on OpenHatch - tool chain status and other ways OSI might help
  • Have we updated the template for fiscal agentry
  • Next steps: Molly to meet with OpenHatch to understand next phase and finalize Fiscal Sponsorship status. Patrick to post to Tiaga Incubator OpenHatch Annual Report (+ update on funding) and OpenHatch Status (Windup, hand-off or adoption).

Review of Timeline

  • Planning Timeline

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for July 13th, 2016
Meeting adjourned at...1:28 (EDT) (18:28 UTC)


Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the meeting minutes of May 11th, 2016.
Second (Paul).
Add Leslie as non-attendee
6 Yes; 0 No; 2 Abstain.

Motion (Allison): Breathing Games
Second (Deb).
5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.


Appendix A

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending May 31, 2016A  question was raised by our Accountant (Jane) if there are corrections  to the coding of expenses between Meetings and Conferences.  The coding  is based on emails from Patrick. Jane has upgraded to Quickbooks 2016.   Patrick had to call PrimePay to have the payroll run.  Jane plans to  call them Monday, June 6th to give them "the business."  Jane will also  be wiring funds to Zach and Italo as well on Monday, June 6th.Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $83,066.66

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $ 265.61
  • Memberships: $ 960.00 (24x $40)
  • Open Hatch: Received $ 245.12 paid $249.66 diff -4.94
  • Snowdrift $ Received 7640 paid 7640Interest: $ 1.50

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 1,222.57

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll $ 4485.42 (Payroll 5/31/16 not paid until 6/3/16)
  • Professional $ 6428.76 DLA Piper $4339 J&J 2192 includes tax returns
  • Bank Fees $ 95.69
  • Supplies $ 1041.28 new brochures
  • Postage, Shipping $ 81.83
  • Software $ 3512.10
  • Conferences/Conv $ 259.88
  • Filing Fees $ 30.00
  • Meetings $ 3102.26
  • Website Hosting $ 583.95
  • Paypal $ 31.93

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $15,557.05Total Assets at End of Period: $68,732.18

Major Contributions 2016:

  • Previous Sponsor $ 25000 received 02/10/16
  • Previous Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 01/11/16 received 04/08/16
  • Previous Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 12/09/15 received 02/10/16
  • Previous Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 12/07/15
  • Previous Sponsor $ 7500 invoiced 12/14/15 paid 02/10/16
  • New Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 3/3/16 paid 03/07/16
  • Previous Sponsor $ 25000 invoiced 6/3/16
  • Previous Sponsor $ (Contacted, and confirmed $5,000 on June 3rd, 2016: https://lists.opensource.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/treasurer/2016-June/005948.html)
  • Previous Sponsor $
  • Previous Sponsor $ (Contacted Jun 2, 2016, no response)
  • Previous Sponsor $
  • Previous Sponsor $
  • Previous Sponsor $ (Contacted Jun 2, 2016, no response)

Additional Reports

  • OSI Balance Sheet for 053116
  • OSI Income and Expense Quarterly Report for 053116
  • OSI OpenHatch Transactions for 053116
  • OSI Transactions Detail for Month End 053116
  • Snowdrift

Appendix B

Team Reports

Communications Team

Membership Team

  • Opened discussions with PSF regarding dual and/or discounted cross memberships.

New Affiliate Application

Breathing Games (website)

Cover Letter & Application

  1. Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
    ✓ Breathing Games is an unregistered international association that currently relies on two national legal structures (http://fibrosekystique.net/?q=en/vision):
    • Canada: Canadian Academy for the Knowledge Economy, non-profit organization registered in Quebec (1169850923),
      Administrator: Tiberius Brastaviceanu, [email protected] 
    • Switzerland: Fondation praneo, foundation registered in Canton Vaud (CH-550.1.159.671-2),
      President: Pierre-Antoine Baraillé, [email protected]
  2. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
    ✓ The Breathing Games mission is to foster respiratory autonomy by creating an open source standard for games related to breathing (https://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/commitment_letters/84281/original/breathinggames_un_commitment.pdf?1462060404, http://www.worldhealthinnovationsummit.com/blog/2016/05/02/health-breath-to-innovate-cysticfibrosis-gaming/).
  3. Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
    Documentation on Google Drive, especially BG-1-1 Governance, BG-1-2 Revenue redistribution, BG-0-2 Strategy (restricted access)
  4. Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s).
    Documentation on Google Drive, especially BG-4-1 Core document games, BG-5-1 Core document device and BG-8-1 Core document healthcareSource code on GitHub
  5. Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
    GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 for the code; CERN Open Hardware License 1.2 for hardware; Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence for the rest.
  6. Documented approach for participation by the public.
    Documentation on Google Drive, especially BG-2-1 Contributors orientationSource code on GitHub – Bibliography on Zotero – Contributions log on Sensorica Value Accounting System – Decision-making on Enspiral Loomio
  7. An active community:
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology

      ✓ Timeline of the initiative on breathinggames.net; Different co-creation events organized, see YouTube, a workshop will be organized during OpenSym 2016; Partners in Canada and Switzerland, see BG-1-4 Partners; Small online community, see Facebook, Twitter, Instagram; BG is signatory of the United Nations GlobalCompact

  8. References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
    ⚠ None. We are closely collaborating with the Open Source innovation lab Sensorica in Montreal, and related to Mikorizal (USA) and Enspiral (New Zealand).

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.