OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Thursday, June 21sr, 2018



Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:30 UTC.


Board Members

  • Simon
  • Carol
  • Patrick
  • Chris
  • Vicky
  • Italo
  • Faidon (arrived at 12:37 )
  • Josh (arrived at 12:39 PDT)
  • Richard (arrived at 1:42 EDT)
  • Molly (arrived at 12:37)


Expected, but Not Present

Sent Regrets

  • Allison

Officer Reports


President's report (Simon):

  • Discussion with OASIS on new open source hosting for standards (with Vicky)Willing to host proposals to create a standard with standards implemented iteratively
  • Support for Software Heritage at UNESCO
  • Have a broad range of relationships, would be valuable for us to have relationship with them
  • License-review activity
  • Resurgence of license gaming

Treasurer's report (Josh), see Appendix A


  • Receiving $100k grant related to Freenode - handshake.org, in contact with director of community outreach 
  • Let's figure out how to use it wisely
  • Discuss in person how we can use it
  • Beating projections for revenue for this year
  • ClearlyDefined logistics converstion
  • ClearlyDefined doesn't and probably won't have a budget for a while, too early to be able to meaningfully predict income and expenditures
  • ClearlyDefined to submit ALL expenses for approval? Craft a resolution to spend along with the revenue it brings in
  • Blanket authorization to spend up to 1/10 of funds donated in any month - commitment for more than that to need two directors' approval
  • For all of the contract developers it can be approved once and then spent in accordance with current financial practices
  • Motion (Simon): In line with current standard financial practices, projects, such as ClearlyDefined, may spend any sum associated with an approved contract, or up to $1200 in any single transaction. Contracts and larger sums shall require approval by two directors and the CFO/deputy.
    • Second: Vicky
    • Discussion: Issues related to the state of "new" contracts, both those that are "new" to the project negotiated by OSI, and those that are "new" to the OSI due to their adoption with a project with existing contracts.
    • Yays: 8 Nays: 0
  • In the context of standards work "very interesting indeed"
  • Simon will have further discussion with OASIS (CTO James Bryce Clarke)
  • OASIS Director Robin C Cover (https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-c-cover-42a638162/ ) reached out to Patrick
  • Italo is willing to be part of this discussion, as it is currently talking with OASIS about ODF to make document standards more popular (in touch with the same people at OASIS)
  • Keynotes at OW2Con and EclipseCon

Board Topics

  • Discussion of project funding coming in and guidelines around the inflows and outflows
  • Hiring update
    • First interview is Monday
    • 10-12 candidates reviewed, 3 identified for interviews, 1 no longer seeking the position and 1 did not reply
    • Have someone start the following week? 
    • Contracts/payroll/etc: No action needed from the board
    • Board will need to approve the recommendation of the search committee over email when needed
    • Onboarding plan for employee; would like to see one from Patrick - Patrick will follow-up with Vicky
  • Face to face meeting for half day at OSCON afternoon of Monday, July 16
  • Discuss use of Handshake donation
  • Discuss next steps for staffing
  • Getting a room at Convention Center - Vicky to follow-up
  • We need to figure out Jitsi options for Molly and Italo
  • Fall face to face meeting week of November 13/14 (Tuesday and Wednesday?) in Italy (possibly Milan)?
    • OSI Italian members would like to meet OSI BoD (had a talk with some of them informally via email)
    • in this case, Bologna would be better than Milan as it is very central vs Italy elongated shape
    • Italo will follow-up in July
    • Conference on Friday - SFScon
    • Concerns about Bologna needing another connection?
    • Carol will follow-up on thread for planning re: Italy as a location and November 13/14 as the dates
  • Top level goals for 2018-2019
  • HR structure: Performance reviews, hiring committee, firm plans for hiring for this year
  • Membership engagement: open/increase outbound communication, solicit feedback & assistance, foster membership community & communication
  • License list pruning
  • Standard Format for Public Code (Italo's email on June 17)
  • Help public administration in understanding if software is really open source
  • Would like OSI to host of this standard definition
  • Have an incubator project and find other public administrators interested in hosting the definition?
  • Rcent contact with Italo
  • Make it clear we won't help them write the specification and we won't fund it
  • Italo will follow-up over email

Membership Topics

  • Italo to draft the email message for affiliate organizations
  • Asking for people who will be at OSCON and other events where they can meet OSI BoD members
  • Organizing the first affiliate organization conference call in second half of July

Communications Topics

  • OSCON (see note from Nick below)
  • Board folks who will be present should follow-up about their availability and interest and if they're able to do workshops 
  • Who is going?
  • Carol
  • Patrick
  • Simon
  • Vicky
  • Allison said she'd booked hotels but not flights yet, IIRC
  • Josh
  • Should we invite alumni to the Anniversary Event? (e.g. Zack & Tony are coming and using one of our free ten passes)
  • Simon suggests Bruce
  • Who is not going?
  • Chris
  • Italo (could join via video)
  • Booth duty?
  • Please sign up for some time at the booth. This will help Patrick Nick manage meetings with sponsors.
  • Social event?
  • Board meet-ups socials?
  • Who needs passes? 
  • Bruce - Patrick will follow-up with him

Fundraising Topics

Legal Topics

Infrastructure Topics

Incubator/Project Topics

Review of Timeline

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for July 16 in-person and then August 9 (call)

  • Suggest we book 90 minutes for calls & possibly cut short (Simon)

Meeting adjourned at 17:34 UTC


Motion (): Approve and post the meeting minutes of __________ .
Second ().
Vote: 0 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Open Source Initiative Treasurer’s Report As of May 31, 2018

Total Assets at Beginning of Period:  05/01/18, $163,500

Revenue or Sources of Funds

  • Contributions: $50,768
  • Memberships: $600
  • Interest: $2
  • Commissions                

Total Revenue or Sources of Funds: $51,370

Expenses or Uses of Funds

  • Compensation:  $10,094
  • Fundraising Expense:  $2,550
  • Legal & Professional Fees: $1,369
  • Office Expenses:  $285
  • Program Service Expense: $500
  • Promotional Expense: $97
  • Travel & Entertainment: $10,002
  • Other Expenses:  $280

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $25,176

Change in Cash
Change in Accounts Receivable
Change in Accounts Payable:  -$5,249

Other (Reclasses from prior periods): -$69

Total Assets at Beginning of Period: 05/31/18,  $184,376

Major Contributions in the last 12 months:                        

Sponsor Name Date Invoiced Date Paid Sponsorship Amount Sponsorship Receivable
Old Sponsor 04/03/17 04/27/17 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 04/17/17 06/05/17 $15,000 $0
Old Sponsor 06/12/17 07/03/17 $1,000 $0
Old Sponsor 06/26/17 06/26/17 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 06/26/17 07/03/17 $1,000 $0
Old Sponsor 07/31/17 09/07/17 $1,000 $0
Old Sponsor 07/31/17 09/07/17 $1,000 $0
Old Sponsor 08/11/17 09/05/17 $7,500 $0
Old Sponsor 08/11/17 11/01/17 $2,500 $0
Old Sponsor 09/11/17 10/02/17 $15,000 $0
Old Sponsor 09/14/17 09/28/17 $7,500 $0
Old Sponsor 09/14/17 10/14/17 $7,500 $0
Old Sponsor 10/01/17 11/11/17 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 10/06/17 10/17/17 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 12/14/17 01/31/18 $20,000 $0
New Sponsor   01/12/18 $25,000 $0
Old Sponsor 01/12/18 05/09/18 $6,000 $0
Old Sponsor 02/01/18 06/12/18 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 02/01/18 02/06/18 $1,000 $0
Old Sponsor 02/12/18 03/08/18 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 03/29/18 05/18/18 $20,000 $0
Old Sponsor 04/19/18 05/21/18 $20,000 $0


Old Sponsor 05/09/18   $50,000 $50,000

Appendix B - Team Reports

Communications Team

Hello everyone,This is Nick Vidal and I've been helping Patrick with the anniversary. I haven't had the chance to meet most of you yet, but I'm looking forward to meeting you at OSCON so that I can formally introduce myself.We had a very good run this first semester. We collaborated with 15+ events worldwide, with many keynotes and other activities.Looks like the second semester is going to be even better. We have participation confirmed at OSCON, both Open Source Summit in North America and in Europe, and the Mozilla Festival.I have created a wiki summarizing the events we plan to attend: https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/OSI+Operations/OSI+20th+Anniversary+CelebrationI would love to hear your suggestions for OSCON. We have a room to ourselves on Wednesday (July 18th), 10 Expo Plus free passes for Board members and Alumni, plus cupcakes for our anniversary celebration.I checked the schedule on Wednesday and we'll have Danese presenting at 11am, Vicky presenting at 1:45pm, and Leslie at 5pm. So whatever schedule we create for our anniversary, we need to make sure the major activities will not conflict with these times.The Linux Foundation has also generously provided us with 10 free passes for Open Source Summit in North America and in Europe (10passes for each event).Please let me know which events you are interested in attending.

Either 1) reply only to me telling me your interest, 2) add your name to the events listed on the wiki, or 3) enroll yourself at:


Besides helping with the events and the website, we have agreed that I'll work on fundraising again. To this end, I have created a brochure (please find it attached). I welcome any feedback that you might have. I also would really appreciate if you could provide me with some warm introductions with potential sponsors.Thanks again for your support and let's continue the celebrations!Kind regards,Nick

Membership Team

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.