OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Thursday, October 11th, 2018


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:38 UTC.


Board Members

  • Carol
  • Vicky
  • Simon
  • Patrick
  • Josh
  • Richard
  • Faidon
  • Chris


Expected, but Not Present

  • Allison

Sent Regrets

  • Italo
  • Molly

Officer Reports

  • Motion to approve minutes (Carol)
  • None - need a treasurer's report for last month's meeting agenda; Carol will check in before next month's meeting to draft minutes for Sept and Oct
  • President's report (Simon & Vicky)
  • Simon has been representing the OSI in various meetings 
  • In discussion with for new sponsor
  • Treasurer's report (Josh), see Appendix A
  • Many commitments from (renewing) existing and new sponsors
  • Topic for discussion - sponsorship levels and any desired changes thereto?
  • Additional sponsorship tier at top?
  • Discuss in Milan, discuss with Nick
  • Revenue continues to increase

Board Topics

  • GM Report (Patrick)
  • Staffing - Jessica starts back Monday
  • Nick is contacting sponsors
  • Patrick and Nick working on year-long tour
  • Variety of events in October going on 
  • In discussions with Cornell, Brandeis about professional development series on open source credential
  • Fundraiser starting (see Giving Tuesday below)
  • Patrick's todo list is on the wiki
  • Discuss F2F meeting logistics (All)
  • Italo is off; if anyone has questions address them to Simon
  • Molly, Chris, Josh, Patrick are staying on and coming to Bolzano
  • Chris to talk about reproducable builds
  • Simon will talk to them next week to discuss talk topics
  • Simon will proose everyone coming will do a talk
  • Faidon unclear on if he'll stay on for Bolzano
  • Open Source Definition summit (Patrick)
  • Confirming that it's a good idea
  • Making a blog post as foundation for purpose and further discussion
  • Video with Bruce?
  • Review and edit document Patrick put together
  • Action Item register (Simon)
  • Carol re-sent email about this
  • Use of funds proposals (Josh)
  • Infrastructure projects in particular

Membership Topics

  • Membership status report (Patrick)
  • 100% renewal of people who renewed or joined last year
  • Patrick is preparing a list of people who didn't and send them a direct mail
  • Jessica will be taking on some of the membership admin
  • Final date for affiliate membership call/outreach? (Italo - deferred)

Communications Topics

  • ACTION: Patrick to acknowledge Handshake gift and press for approval from the Handshake Foundation

Fundraising Topics

  • Giving Tuesday (Nov 27)

Legal Topics

  • License Review Committee
  • Richard is nominally chairing this but has had very little time for it
  • As of now it's been a while since there's been a formal pending license business update on mailing list
  • Richard's term is up in spring 2019; should be consideration for another director taking on role
  • Simon to get paid person to do monthy summary, person who took on license review chair role can have less to do if that's done
  • Wiki has been updated and Patrick is removing TL;DR threads and fixing up license page formatting

Motion: Retain services of a person for up to $500/month for license review administrator (Patrick)

Second: Simon


Yays: 8   Nays: 0  Abstain: 0 

ACTION: Patrick to develop job description & bring proposal back to Board

Motion: Rename "Free Public License-1.0.0" to 0BSD per request from license steward (Simon)


Discussion:  Need to validate this name change is the consensus of the community (Richard)

ACTION: Richard will validate & report back at next meeting

Motion: Retire CUA-OPL-1.0 per historic request (Simon)

Second: Richard


Yays: 8  Nays: 0  Abstain: 0

Action: Patrick to move this license to retired license

Discussion of "For Approval: Convertible Free Software License, Version 1.1 (C-FSL v1.1)" has not reached a positive consensus at this point

Infrastructure Topics

Incubator/Project Topics

  • Standards Project (Simon)
  • Requesting budget allocation for the project
  • Bruce would like to be retained as a consultant, Patrick is putting together contract for that (estimated at $1.5k - 2k/month; capped at $8000/month)
  • He had revisions, we'll check on that
  • ACTION: Josh to provide estimate for allocation for project based on committed sponsors

Review of Timeline

Next Board Meeting

The scheduled meeting on November 8 is cancelled & the next OSI board meeting is scheduled for November 13 & 14 in Milan, Italy.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50AM Pacific


Motion (): Approve and post the meeting minutes of __________ .
Second ().
Vote: 0 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending: September 30, 2018

Total Assets at Beginning of Period (09/01/18): $471,807

  • Revenue or Sources of Funds
    • Contributions $370
    • Memberships $560
    • Interest $11
  • Total Revenue or Sources of Funds $952
  • Expenses or Uses of Funds
    • Compensation $10,194
    • Fundraising Expense $0
    • Legal & Professional Fees $1,471
    • Office Expenses $82
    • Promotional Expense $0
    • Travel & Entertainment $2,282
    • Other Expenses $267
  • Total Expenses or Uses of Funds $34,295

Change in Accounts Payable -$7,764

Total Assets at Beginning of Period (09/30/18)  $430,700

Major Contributions in the last 12 months

OSI Sponsorships

Sponsor NameDate InvoicedDate PaidSponsorship AmountSponsorship Receivable

Old Sponsor04/03/1704/27/17$20,000$0
Old Sponsor04/17/1706/05/17$15,000$0
Old Sponsor06/12/1707/03/17$1,000$0
Old Sponsor06/26/1706/26/17$20,000$0
Old Sponsor06/26/1707/03/17$1,000$0
Old Sponsor07/31/1709/07/17$1,000$0
Old Sponsor07/31/1709/07/17$1,000$0
Old Sponsor08/11/1709/05/17$7,500$0
Old Sponsor08/11/1711/01/17$2,500$0
Old Sponsor09/11/1710/02/17$15,000$0
Old Sponsor09/14/1709/28/17$7,500$0
Old Sponsor09/14/1710/14/17$7,500$0
Old Sponsor10/01/1711/11/17$20,000$0
Old Sponsor10/06/1710/17/17$20,000$0
Old Sponsor12/14/1701/31/18$20,000$0
Old Sponsor01/12/1801/12/18$25,000$0
Old Sponsor01/12/1805/09/18$6,000$0
Old Sponsor02/01/1806/12/18$20,000$0
Old Sponsor02/01/1802/06/18$1,000$0
Old Sponsor02/12/1803/08/18$20,000$0
Old Sponsor03/29/1805/18/18$20,000$0
Old Sponsor04/19/1805/21/18$20,000$0
New Sponsor05/30/18$540$540
New Sponsor07/28/18$1,000$1,000
New Sponsor08/15/1808/15/18$200,000$0

ClearlyDefined Sponsorships

Old Sponsor05/09/1805/30/18$50,000$0
Old Sponsor06/26/1806/29/18$100,000$0
Old Sponsor06/28/1808/10/18$25,000$0

Appendix B - Team Reports

Communications Team

Membership Team

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.