OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Friday, September 20, 2019

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Open Source Initiative held via Jitsi conferencing on Friday September 20, 2019.


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:07 UTC.


Board Members

  • Josh Simmons
  • Molly de Blanc
  • Hong Dang Phuc
  • Patrick Masson
  • Elana Hashman
  • Faidon Liambotis
  • Pam Chestek

GuestsExpected, but Not Present

  • Christine Hall

Sent Regrets

  • Chris Lamb
  • Simon Phipps

Officer Reports

Secretary's Report (Simon)

  • The motion to approve minutes for the August 16th meeting was tabled until the next meeting as the minutes are not ready for review.

Treasurer's Report (Hong)

  • See Appendix A
  • Tabled until next meeting

President's Report (Molly)

  • Will be attending COSCon (in November)
  • Working on staffing policy drafts

General Manager Report

Board Topics

  • Vacant board seat:
    • Various board directors contacted three candidates, each are interested.
    • A discussion of other qualified candidates for appointment was discussed.
  • Christine Hall's board seat:
    • Molly emailed Christine to assess her interest in continuing to serve on the board.
    • The Board accepted Christine's request to step down from the Board.
    • Motion (Elana): To convert the two vacant individual seats into appointed seats with two year terms (Oct. 1, X - Sep. 30, X+2), and to reallocate one affiliate seat as an individual seat at the next election.
      • Second (Hong).
      • Discussion: The board reviewed the consequences (affect on elections, impact with constituents, perception from open source community) of both appointing members and shifting the existing individual and affiliate member seats.
      • Vote: Yes 6; No; Abstain 1 (Josh)
  • Action Item: Molly drafts an email to OSI members to inform them of the above change. Patrick to post same (edited for audience/channel) to OSI blog.
  • Response to RMS leaving FSF/etc (Molly)
    • Molly and Josh introduced three topics for conversation that may call for a statement from the OSI -- positive statement towards incivility; positive statement towards GPL/licensingand leadership with in FOSS.
    • Two drafts were submitted for review by Josh (re. inclusivity) and Molly (re. leadership).
    • The scope of the statements was discussed
  • Response to Open Core Summit (Molly, Josh, Elana)
    • Many on the board expressed concerns that many of the presentations and the general theme of the event may have been targeting the OSI specifically
    • Josh was in attendance and reported his observations.
    • Josh will take point on a developing draft statement and making a conversation happen.
    • Several relevant tweets were identified to provide context

Membership Topics

  • Report from the Membership Committee (Elana)
    • Elana provided an update on the September affiliate call.
    • The committee is interested in expansion of affiliate access, particularly for the global community.
    • There has been some discussion around the status of 501(c)6 affiliate memberships (topic from Spring F2F)
    • A link was provided to access the Membership Committee's agendas, communications and minutes.
  • Motion (Patrick): Accept Affiliate Member applications from 1. Sourcefabric, 2. Open Culture Foundation, 3. FUSS Project
    • Second (Molly).
    • Discussion: See Appendix B - Reports: Membership Report. We thank these groups for their interest and support.
    • Vote:  approve 7; oppose 0; abstain 0;
  • Motion (Patrick): Accept Affiliate Member application from FOSSASIA
    • Second (Molly).
    • Discussion: See Appendix B - Reports: Membership Report. We thank FOSSASIA for their interest and support.
    • Vote:  approve 6; oppose 0; abstain 1 (Hong Phuc Dang);

Communications Topics

Fundraising Topics

Legal Topics

  • Motion (Pam): That the Board of the Open Source Initiative approve The OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.8, 17 August 2003 as an Open Source Initiative Certified license in the “legacy” category of licenses.
    • Second (Elana).
    • Discussion: Thanks the license committee and committee chair
    • Vote: Approve 7; Oppose 0; Abstain 0;

Infrastructure Topics

Incubator/Project Topics

  • Standards:
    • Mirko ready to fill vacancy left by Bruce. 
    • Patrick needs contract details.

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for...

Meeting adjourned at October 11, 2019

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending As of August 31, 2019

Total Assets at Beginning of Period 08/01/19: $453,417

  • Revenue or Sources of Funds
    • Contributions: $46,186
    • Memberships: $720
    • Interest: $9
  • Total Revenue or Sources of Funds $46,915
  • Expenses or Uses of Funds
    • Compensation: $11,296
    • Fundraising Expense: $1,100
    • Legal & Professional Fees: $1,902
    • Office Expenses: $941
    • Program Service Expense: $20,000
    • Promotional Expense: $0
    • Travel & Entertainment: $0
    • Other Expenses: $675
  • Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $35,914
  • Change in Cash
  • Change in Accounts Payable: -$8,058
  • Other : $202

Total Assets at End of Period, 08/31/19: $456,561

Appendix B - Reports

Board Actions

  • Google sheet with current items and status.

Incubator Reports

  • ClearlyDefined update
    This report is canonically located at: ClearlyDefined Monthly Board Report: September, 2019
    • Summary
      We have integrated support for two new kinds of packages into ClearlyDefined this month: PHP and Debian. The Debian integration was a long-standing goal of the project’s in order to eventually be able to produce compliance data for containers that run Debian. In addition to the new package integrations, we have continued to fix bugs reported by users, add features, and harvest and scan new packages as requested. 
    • Resources
      Monetary resources remain in a steady run rate with our monthly commitment to contracting resources now extended through the end of the year. Google, Amazon, and Microsoft continue to donate compute resources to the project for crawling, harvesting, and scanning. We have an additional Microsoft engineer who is getting involved with the project and familiar with the codebase and community now. Otherwise engineering resources remain the same.
    • Technology
      As mentioned above, we have integrated support for PHP and Debian. We have already begun harvesting and scanning PHP packages. Once the Debian integration has been fully tested we will also begin to harvest and scan those packages. 
    • Community
      The community continues to grow steadily month-over-month. We have had additional community members participating in both our biweekly project meetings as well as our biweekly curation steering committee meetings.We have had a major contributor to our curation community begin reviewing and merging curations, and have heard that we may have additional people joining the curation community soon. 
    • Upcoming goals
      1. ClearlySecure proposal
      2. Harvesting and scanning Debian packages

Membership Report

Affiliate Member Application: Sourcefabric z.ú.

  1. Signed Affiliate Agreement
    ✓ Letter of Introduction and signed Affiliate Agreement from Sourcefabric z.ú. attached.
        Affiliate Agreement
        Cover Letter
  2. Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
    ✓ The z.ú suffix of our name is an abbreviation for the Czech designation of a nonprofit organisation, see:
    - https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/about/3195/About-Sourcefabric.htm- https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/about/3197/Governance.htm
  3. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
    ✓ Mission: "Our mission is to bridge the digital divide in media. By making state-of-the-art journalism tools available to organisations and individuals in need of better technology, we aim to support the future of quality independent journalism as the lifeblood of democratic societies. From Australia to Zimbabwe, we partner with organisations around the world to develop, maintain and distribute a robust open-source code base for journalism that benefits everyone. We believe in giving independent voices a competitive advantage through technology so that they can speak truth to power and tell the stories that matter.
    - https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/about/3196/MissionHistory.htm
  4. Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
    ✓ "Sourcefabric is headed up by our Managing Director, Sava Tatić and is governed by external boards. Our Board of Directors [https://sourcefabric.org/en/home/team/] ensure that we stay true to our mission and carry out quality work in an efficient and effective manner. Our Board of Supervisors [https://sourcefabric.org/en/home/team/] make sure we manage our resources efficiently and stay in line with our nonprofit status.
    - https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/about/3197/Governance.htm
  5. Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s).
    ✓ Superdesk Github page: https://github.com/superdesk/superdesk (License, https://github.com/superdesk/superdesk/blob/master/LICENSE)✓ Live Blog Github page: https://github.com/liveblog/liveblog (License: https://github.com/liveblog/liveblog/blob/master/LICENSE)✓ Airtime Github page: https://github.com/airtime
  6. Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
  7. Documented approach for participation by the public.
    ✓ "Get involved" https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/involved/3222/Get-Involved.htm✓ "Contribute code" https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/involved/3236/Contribute-code.htm✓ "Volunteer" https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/home/volunteer/
  8. An active community:
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community – see above
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
      ✓ Airtime (29): https://github.com/sourcefabric/airtime/graphs/contributors
      ✓ Newscoop (25) : https://github.com/sourcefabric/Newscoop/graphs/contributors
      ✓ Sourcefabric (16): https://github.com/orgs/sourcefabric/people
      ✓ Superdesk (34): https://github.com/superdesk/newsroom/graphs/contributors
      ✓ References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
      - https://libretime.org/

Affiliate Member Application: FOSSAsia

  1. Signed Affiliate Agreement
    ✓ See attached: OSI-AffiliateAgreement2019_signed.pdf
  2. Founding documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
    ⚠ FOSSAsia is applying as a user group, and does not have by-laws. Information about the organization can be found on their website (http://fossasia.org)⚠ FOSSAsia has an advisory board and a large team (http://fossasia.org/team/) supporting the organization, their events and projects. It is unclear how the team is managed or the role of the advisory board in governance. While there are many projects, management of these is not clear.
    ⚠ FOSSASIA is represented through a registered company in Singapore as FOSSASIA PTE. LTD. with the registration number 201702892N.
    ⚠ FOSSASIA is also a partner of the OpnTec Foundation e.V. (VR 29319B) in Germany.
  3. Association memberships, partnerships, etc. (if applicable) with international, national, professional and/or affiliated organizations
    ✓ Partnership with UNESCO (https://blog.fossasia.org/tag/unesco/ & https://bangkok.unesco.org/content/call-speakers-internet-universality-thailand-accesstoinfoday), Misako Ito, Senior Adviser, [email protected]
    ✓ Science Centre Singapore (https://blog.fossasia.org/tag/science-centre-singapore/), Co-organized Coding Workshop for Youth, reference: CEO Dr. Tit Meng LIM (SCB) [email protected]
    ✓ Google Summer of Code (https://blog.fossasia.org/tag/gsoc/) 7 years as Mentoring Organization, reference: Cat Allman - [email protected]  
    ✓ List of open source projects:
    ✓ FOSSAsia supports a varity of open source projects (https://github.com/fossasia) including
       https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-server (GPL license)
       https://github.com/fossasia/susi_server (GPL license)
    https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android (GPL license)
    https://github.com/fossasia/pslab-android (Apache license)
  4. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
    ✓ "The mission of FOSSASIA is to improve people's lives by sharing open technologies, knowledge and resources and building a sustainable FOSS ecosystem." (http://fossasia.org/#about).
  5. Publicly available release of events/activities, e.g. meetings, conferences, etc.
    ✓ FOSSAsia runs six annual events as well as meet-ups and project specific activities (http://events.fossasia.org)
  6. Documented approach for participation by the public.
    ✓ FOSSAsia runs an annual coding contest to engage more people to contribute open source projects, CodeHeat (https://codeheat.org).
    ✓ Each FOSSAsia project has its own participation channel (https://codeheat.org/#projects).
    ✓ FOSSASIA Labs collects project ideas and discusses new features of existing applications. Different programs are available for high school and university students or professionals (https://labs.fossasia.org/ideas.html).
  7. An active community:
  8. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
    ✓ Gitter (https://gitter.im/fossasia/home)✓ Mailinglist: (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/fossasia)✓ Social Networks
        Twitter: https://twitter.com/fossasia    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fossasia    Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+FOSSASIAorg    Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fossasia    YouTube: https://youtube.com/fossasiaorg    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2982840/    LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3762811/profile
  9. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
    ✓ http://fossasia.org/team✓ There are over 3,000 members on FOSSASIA GitHub
    ✓ Over 100+ bloggers https://blog.fossasia.org
  10. References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
    ✓ Open Source Design: Jan-Christoph Borchardt - [email protected]
    ✓ FreeBSD Foundation: Philip Paeps - Director, [email protected]

Affiliate Member Application: FUSS Project (Free Upgrade in South Tyrol's Schools)

  1. Signed Affiliate Agreement
    ✓ See attached: OSI-AffiliateAgreement2019-FUSS-Project.pdf
  2. Institution is currently recognized and in good standing by an appropriate accreditation body.
    ✓ "The project was funded by the European Social Fund and administratively managed by the Einaudi Professional School of Bolzano".
        "Since 2015, the IT Department of the Province of Bolzano has taken delivery of technical assistance with a group of GNU / Linux systems engineers (FUSS technicians)."
       "The project is governed by the Italian Education and Training Department of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano"
       - https://fuss.bz.it/page/info/
  3. Evidence of institutional/departmental authority to affiliate with external organizations.
    ✓ Currently the FUSS Project has partnerships with: FUSS technicians (a local group of GNU / Linux systems engineers, i.e LUG), as well as multiple  organizations, associations and companies(https://fuss.bz.it/page/profuss/), and development partners (https://fuss.bz.it/page/desk/).
  4. Mission statement describing purpose and goals of institution/department.
    ✓ "The FUSS project's aim is to bring Free Software to schools of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The medium-long term objective of this project is to promote collaborative teaching methods, through the active involvement of both teachers and students in the development of the project itself."
        - https://fuss.bz.it/page/info/
  5. Documentation by the institution recognizing organization (academic and administrative departments only), e.g. organizational chart.
    ✓ "The governance of the FUSS project is headed by the Italian Education and Training Directorate. The Italian Education and Training Directorate represents the top of the Italian language system of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and brings together under its competence the provincial primary and secondary schools of the first and second degree state in Italian, the provincial Direction Schools of in Italian, the Provincial Directorate for Vocational Training in Italian, the School of Italian Music "Vivaldi", the Provincial Evaluation Service for Education and Training in Italian, the Innovation and Pedagogical Research Division, the Division of Italian school education." - http://www.forumpachallenge.it/proponenti/direzione-istruzione-e-formazione-italiana-provincia-autonoma-di-bolzano
  6. Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s) in line with the goals, values and mission of the OSI.
    ✓ Download FUSS servers and clients and create an educational network (https://fuss.bz.it/page/download/).
  7. Examples of software used and/or supported within the institution/department with an OSI approved open source license.
    ✓ FUSS license GPL v3 (https://gitlab.com/fusslab/fuss, https://fuss-dev-guide.readthedocs.io/it/latest/)
  8. An active community:
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
      ✓ General mailing list, user discussions: https://www.fuss.bz.it/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fuss-community✓ Development mailing list: https://www.fuss.bz.it/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fuss-devel✓ GitLab: https://gitlab.com/fusslab✓ Redmine: https://work.fuss.bz.it
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
      ✓ In addition to FUSS Core (https://gitlab.com/groups/fusslab/-/group_members), multiple members listed in FUSS issue tracker (https://work.fuss.bz.it/projects/fuss). Other contributors include the members of "FUSS technicians," a local LUG, and multiple other organizations and volunteers (https://fuss.bz.it/page/desk/). Of most interest may be the student contributors who participate as part of the school work...
      "The use of free software makes it possible for students and teachers to directly participate in its development, not only in terms of code writing, but above all in terms of suggestions on how it works, production of documentation, translations, realization of contents, etc. All this in a school model seen as a community in which all its components actively participate in the process of knowledge building."  - https://fuss.bz.it/page/info/
  9. References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
    ✓ Patrick Masson, Open Source Initiative

Affiliate Member Application: Open Culture Foundation

  1. Signed Affiliate Agreement
    ✓ Affiliate Agreement
  2. Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
    ✓ Taiwan non-profit filing certificate
  3. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
    ✓ Mission: "OCF was founded by several Taiwan’s open source community. Our main goal is to support local communities advocate the use of open technologies in broader sectors, including open source software, open data and open government." - https://ocf.tw/about/
    ✓ Details: https://ocf.tw/mediakit/
  4. Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
    ✓ See, https://ocf.tw/about/bylaws.html
  5. Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s).
    ✓ Projects: https://ocf.tw/en/p/✓ List of activities: https://ocf.tw/journal/✓ Activities included in 2018 Annual Report: https://ocf.tw/en/p/2018/
  6. Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
    ✓ OCF does not develop software, but rather develops programs to support open source software, communities, and adoption, as well as other open initiatives.
  7. Documented approach for participation by the public.
    ✓ Each project has information for joining, for example, "Citizen Group Security and Privacy Exchange Program" https://ocf.tw/p/cscs/
    ✓ and publiclly available updates, for example, the Foundation Administration Center: https://g0v.hackpad.tw/0rg.tw--2r3K7emrNpC
  8. An active community:
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community – see above
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
      ✓ The OCF has a variety of participants, including 12 staff and 6 volunteers. - https://ocf.tw/people/
      ✓  23 members on Github: https://github.com/ocftw/v1.ocf.tw/graphs/contributors
  9. References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member. 
  10. ✓ Works with current affiliates Open Source Hong Kong (https://ocf.tw/en/p/intl/) and Debian (https://ocf.tw/p/2018/debconf/)

Appendix "C" - General Manager's Report

  • OSI staff "To Do" list.
  • Communications
    • Direct mailings (9):
      • Percona Live Europe 2019, discount code and booth staff: Intended Recipients, 2750; successful deliveries 2603 (94.65%); Unique Opens, 543 (20.86%); Total Opens, 943; Click-throughs, 53 (2.04%).
      • Linux Foundation Conference Discounts: discount codes (three events): Intended Recipients, 518; successful deliveries, 516 (99.61%); Unique Opens, 246 (47.67%); Total Opens, 473; Click-throughs, 62 (12.02%).
      • Open Source Technology Management Announcement, awareness, discount codes, affiliate financial opportunity: Intended Recipients, 458; successful deliveries, 457 (99.78%); Unique Opens, 207 (45.30%); Total Opens, 371; Click-throughs, 62 (13.57%).
      • OSI Quarterly Affiliate Call: Intended Recipients, 78; successful deliveries, 78 (100.00%); Unique Opens, 34 (43.59%); Total Opens, 62; Click-throughs, 2 (2.56%).
      • EU and Digital Ocean Surveys: Intended Recipients, 511; successful deliveries 509 (99.61%), Unique Opens, 185 (36.35%); Total Opens, 386; Click-throughs, 99 (19.45%).
      • Percona Live Europe 2019, discount code and booth staff: Intended Recipients, 11; successful deliveries 11 (100.00%); Unique Opens, 4 (36.36%); Total Opens, 6; Click-throughs, 0 (0.00%).
      • Brandeis Faculty Recruitment: Intended Recipients, 3128; successful deliveries 3059 (97.79%); Unique Opens, 744 (24.32%); Total Opens, 1299; Click-throughs, 204 (6.67%).
    • The New Kind: In-kind donation of marketing and communications services.
      • Agreed to proposal and developing agreement for "In-kind Premiere Sponsorship"
    • ATO Planning
      • Bronze sponsor, swag bag, booth, etc.
    • Two blog posts,1 policy (4,135 reads), 1 working group (1,429 reads)
    • Twitter: Tweets earned 1.5M impressions over June & July
      • Aug 16 - Sept 12, 2019: Tweets 125 (-43.2%), impressions, 583.5K (-26.1%); Profile visits, 2,657 (-40.4%); Mentions, 241 (-37.4%)
    • Mailing lists
      • Advocate Circle: 0
      • Affiliates: 0
      • Contact: 20
      • Members: 1
      • Membership: 15
      • Press: 8
      • Trademarks: 8
      • Webmaster: 1
    • Fundraising:
      • Sponsorship status: List of sponsorship leads and their status through 2019.
      • New sponsors, Top10VPN ($2500); Github, $15,000 - $20,000, Google $20,000, Facebook (2018), $20,000, Percona, $7500
      • All Things Open (comp media sponsorship):  List of sponsorship leads.
      • LinuxFund 2017 sponsorship--verifying funding.
    • Infrastructure
      • XWiki wiki training/development shifting to on-demand hourly.
      • Physical mailbox
      • Webserver (NGINX) mis-config for api.opensource.org
    • Legal/Licensing
      • New Technical Writer for LR/LD mailing lists (finally)!!!
      • Paid Pixsy $375 for image license.
      • Deleted all unidentified images from website and twitter accounts. No using only U.S. Public Domain images from U.S. government sources (e.g. National Parks, Dept. of Education, DoD, etc.)
    • Incubator/Projects
      • Brandeis University: course development, new faculty (Jacob Barhak, Joseph Boysha, Kelley Misata, Joe Murray, Harish Pillay), marketing/promotion.
    • Standards, contracting and scope of work for Mirko Boehm.
    • Membership
      • Affiliates: 4 new applicants (see below), 3 inquiries, .Net Foundation, Open Source Community Africa, and Open Forum Europe; 46 leads (8 in 2019)
      • If new applicants accepted, hit our 2019 goal of 12 (13)
      • 6 from Africa, Asia, and /or, South America (4 to date, 1 inquiry)
      • 1 of FSFE, Conservancy, GNOME, Apache, TODO (Conservancy and TODO)
    • Individuals: 487 current members, 692 previous members, 2,964 supporters, 12,244 contacts.
    • QuarterlySept2019Memberships.png
      • Q1 2018 ($7,687) vs. Q1 2019 ($11,190)
      • Q2 2018 ($1,946) vs. Q2 2019 ($2,910)
      • Q3 2018 ($2,511) vs. Q3 2019 ($8,130)
      • Q4 2018 ($4,064)

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.