OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Thursday, April 11, 2019


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:31 UTC.


Board Members

  • Patrick
  • Simon
  • Carol
  • Chris
  • Elana
  • Molly
  • Josh
  • Faidon
  • Pam

Expected, but Not Present

  • Christine

Sent Regrets

  • Hong Phuc Dang

Officer Reports

Secretary's Report (Carol)

  • Motion (Carol): Approve and post the meeting minutes of March 14, 2019.
  • Second (Patrick).
  • Discussion:
  • Vote: 6 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain.
  • Motion (Simon) Approve and post the minutes of March 28, 2019
  • Second (Carol).
  • Discussion:
  • Vote: 6 Yes; 0 No; 3 Abstain.Treasurer's report (Josh), see Appendix A

Treasurer's Report (Josh)

  • $534k in assets - $281k for ClearlyDefined
  • One sponsorship coming in late, otherwise books are closed for 2018
  • Nick and co will pay attention to sponsorship levels for coming months and put renewed focus on it
  • Giving existing sponsors a year transition (new levels/rates may not have taken into account the previous accounting sponsors may have done)

President's Report (Simon)

  • Discussion with OIN
  • Discussion regarding EU JRC Report
  • Incorporation of Consul Democracy Foundation
  • ATIS Correspondence
  • Patrick and Simon to talk more and may discuss at May F2F
  • Meeting with Github CEO
  • Outreach to new Affiliates

General Manager Report

  • OSI staff "To Do" list.
    • Are we still using this to list open issues / status?
  • Most of work has been operational around elections
  • We received a few quotes for D&O insurance, however they are quite expensive for the size of our organization.  Phyllis has sent questions back asking about other carriers for non-profits with more reasonable pricing.  We also received a quote for cyber insurance, which Phyllis does think we need.
  • Brandeis Univ. Update
    • Confirming go ahead for the partnership, review of courses in development
    • May be able to offer faculty opportunities to Affiliates and sponsors
    • Reached out to board alumni to assess interest in teaching courses.
  • New Board Directors
    • Setting up all new infrastructure
    • Talk offline with Patrick

Board Topics

  • Spring NY board meeting logistics? (Carol)
  • Notice of running for Officer seats (and publishing President platform) for May board meeting? (Carol)
  • Officer positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer
  • Post description of Officer positions and request statement of intention to run by May 5

Membership Topics

  • Further discussion with ASF about signing the affirmation of the OSD (Carol)
  • Carol will proceed with talking more formally as a board director to ASF
  • Consideration of new Affiliates: Brandeis University, OpenStreetMap Foundation, TODO Group
    • Motion (Patrick): Approve Affiliate membership of Brandeis University.
    • Second (Chris).
    • Discussion: See Appendix B, Memberships
    • Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
    • Motion (Chris): Approve Affiliate membership of OpenStreetMap Foundation.
    • Second (Elana).
    • Discussion:  See Appendix B, Memberships
    • Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.
    • Motion (Patrick): Approve Affiliate membership of TODO Group.
    • Second (Pam).
    • Discussion: See Appendix B, Memberships
    • Vote: 9 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Communications Topics

Fundraising Topics

Legal Topics

  • Approval of additional permissions for OSI approved licenses
    • Defer to face to face
    • Patrick will add to agenda

Infrastructure Topics

  • Open issues for new Directors?
  • Who is our IRC admin?
    • Chris will check on admin permissions for our IRC board room
    • Remove former board members
    • Permissions to new board

Incubator/Project Topics

  • FLOSS Desktops
    • Three new programs (2 NY, 1 NC)
    • Gnome funds and fundraiser
    • Hiring new staff (summer intern)

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for May 6 & 7 2019; face to face in New York, USA 

Meeting adjourned at 17:51 UTC


Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Open Source Initiative Treasurer’s Report as of March 31, 2019

Total Assets at Beginning of Period: 03/01/19, $268,558

Revenue or Sources of Funds

  • Contributions: $338,063
  • Memberships: $5,800
  • Interest: $5

Total Revenue or Sources of Funds: $302,258

Expenses or Uses of Funds

  • Compensation: $10,413
  • Fundraising Expense: $1,250
  • Legal & Professional Fees: $1,337
  • Office Expenses: $196
  • Program Service Expense: $50,000
  • Promotional Expense: $726
  • Travel & Entertainment: $884
  • Other Expenses: $439

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $65,246

Change in Accounts Receivable: $1,250 Bruce Perens 02/19 invoice

Change in Accounts Payable: -$8,051

Other $70

Total Assets at End of Period, 03/31/19: $534,644

Appendix B - Team Reports

Board Action Items

Membership Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.