OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday April 30th, 2014


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 14:00 UTC.


Board Members:

  • Deborah Bryant
  • Richard Fontana
  • Leslie Hawthorn
  • Patrick Masson
  • Mike Milinkovich
  • Simon Phipps
  • Allison Randal
  • Bruno Souza (remote via Etherpad/IRC)
  • Tony Wasserman
  • Stefano Zacchiroli

Sent Regrets

  • Mark Radcliffe
  • Luis VIlla

New Business

OSI Board Communication Survey Results:

  • Deb led a review of survey to help define OSI value proposition, craft messaging and development marketing, identify audiences
  • Working group has two volunteers.
  • Deb introduced the idea of working with the Board on a workshop to define / develop instituional identify to help inform messaging, branding, marketing, etc.
  • AgilePR volunteered to work with OSI Board at OSCON to help develop above
  • Might require a three hour session
  • Would favor in-person participation, but we should not preclude remote participation.
  • The need for this impacts our abilitiy to undertake other strategic goals
  • We should expand beyond he open source community to include passive or even confrontational people / orgs.
  • Discussion
    • A question was asked what role will the public have and how will we communicate our activities. We would like to include anyone who will volunteer to contribute.
    • How deep / wide is the scope should this effort include? Mission?

GM SIx-month review

  • Patrick  will put together a personal assessment for his  six-month review. This  should provide a review of his and the  organization's successes and  challenges for presentation to, and  discussion with, the Executive  Committee. The Executive Committee with  then discuss at the Face to  Face meeting

Term Extension

(This item was picked up from the previous day's meeting)

  • Should we modify the term length for Individual Members' seats to two years?
  • Should we extend the current Individual Member seats to two years?
  • Should elections be staggered?

Motion (Simon): Move this discussion to an Election Committee?
Second (Deb)
Vote: Passed Unanimously

  • Elections committee made of (chair: President)  Individual, Affiliate, infrastructure
    • Election Committee to discuss term extensions and year schedule to address technology and timing (e.g. announcing winners)

Dates/travel For Next Face to Face Meeting

  • The Board selected the dates of November 11th through 13th, 2014
    • The Board asked that Directors commit to the three days in order to attend both the meetings and the sidebar events.
  • The location will be San Francisco, CA
  • We should begin arrangements immediately.

Software Freedom Conservancy proposal for SFC-FSF-OSI "keep your copyrights" campaign

  • Introduction and discussion on proposal to collaborate.

Outreach Program for Women

  • Leslie and Allison introduced the program and opportunities.
  • A request was made for OSI support / funding for the program.
  • As this has budget impact, it was decided that it should be included in our annual planning.
  • Questions for consideration during planning:
    • How does the program and outcomes leverage the OSI or open source?


  • An introduction and status update was provided regarding the UPL submission an review.

Use of OSI email and identities.

  • Board members are in consensus that they will use their opensource.org when corresponding with the public on behalf of OSI.

Meeting adjourned at 17:00 - UTC

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.