OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday July 9, 2014


Board Members

Deborah Bryant
Richard Fontana
Leslie Hawthorn (Exited meeting at 15:58 UTC)
Patrick Masson
Mike Milinkovich (Entered meeting at 15:49 UTC, exited at 16:30 UTC)
Simon Phipps
Allison Randal
Bruno Souza
Luis VIlla
Tony Wasserman (Exited meeting at 16:03 UTC)
Stefano Zacchiroli

Minutes Review and Approval

Draft Minutes for Wednesday, June 4th, 2014: http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/OSI+Board+of+Directors/20140604_Draft_BoD_Minutes

Motion: Approve and post minutes (Zack),
Second:  (Simon)
Discussion: None
Vote: Yes 10; No 0; Abstentions, 0
Result: Pass

Officer Reports

President's Report (Simon)

No report.

Secretary's Report (Patrick)

New approach for creating agenda. Focusing on providing report for each portfolio and links to background information created from portfolios. Board Directors should be able to review agenda and OSI Portfolio Dashboard for current status of issues. This should reduce the time of the meeting as background information will available prior to meetings.

Treasurer's Report (Mike)

Mike expressed many thanks to Jane Peterman for her great work in preparing the monthly reports.

For the Month Ending 6/30/14

  • Jane encountered and resolved errors in bank account access to pay (transfer) OpenHatch.
  • OSI will be required to report foreign transactions next year, and will confirm business offices of our current fiscal partners, sponsors.
  • We have not seen donations from Flattr since April 12, 2014. Jane is investigating as it could be a difference in how Paypal treats Euro transactions? 
  • For  2012 we were not obliged to file a 990 EZ but were allowed to file a  990N instead and the corresponding 199N with California. We filed the  199N and thought we had filed the 990N but apparently not. It is not  possible to file the 990N for a prior year so we have filed a 990EZ for 2013 instead. This filing will be added to the asset store under 2013 tax filings.
    • For general information, Form 990EZ has been revised as of the 2013 tax year to eliminate personal address information for Directors as was required in past years. This might influence whether the OSI  publish these forms broadly.
    • Additionally the OSI received a request to file payroll tax returns for prior periods (back to 2009): we had no employees at that time.
  • Paypal has once again changed their website and not added statements as a reporting option. Jane will make another attempt to reconcile the account in August.
  • Jane has a new scanner/copier that works and makes her life so much easier.
  • In  order for the OSI balance sheet to show “Grants Receivable” we must  change from “Cash” as a basis of income recognition to “Accrual” as our basis of  income recognition. In the accrual accounting method contributions are  recognized when invoiced rather than when received. It is correct to use  the “Cash” basis and recognize contributions when paid. We will,  however, continue to note grants receivable in the Treasurer's Report.

Total Assets: $130,029.55 (June) compared to $137,913.18 (May) a decrease of $7883.63Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions:  $576.00 of which $561 is from Benevity, the Google Employee Matching  program. Received on July 1 is the $2500 from NGINX, which will be shown  on next month's contributions.
  • Memberships: $600.00 15 memberships
  • Open Hatch: $1690.36 June, 2014 less 8% for processing $135.23 equals net payment to OpenHatch $1555.13 Scheduled for 7/9/14
  • Interest: $5.33

Total Income or Sources of Funds for June 2014: $2559.71

Total Income or Sources of Funds to date for 2014:

  • Grants Receivable: $7,500.00
  • Major Contributions: $100,000

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll $9045.39
  • Professional $1133.04
  • Supplies, Postage $7.61
  • Bank Fees $12.18
  • Meetings $3464.86
  • Website Hosting $229.60
  • Paypal $21.04

Total Uses of Funds $13,913.70

Accounts reconciled: Wells Fargo Savings and Checking, June; Paypal through September 2013 

General Counsel's Report (Mark)

No report.

General Manager Report (Patrick)

Operations Center

  • Continued work to create Operations Center.
    • FLOSS Desktop Refurbishment and Distribution Project
      • Internships offered to local colleges/universities as well as through local school districts
      • Partnerships, Kitware, SUNY, RPI
    • Participation, All activities designed to increase resources to GM in operational and organizational activities.

Website Maintenance/Development

  • Affiliate member graphic update
  • Affiliate list update
  • Corporate Sponsors graphic update
  • Added Twitter "Follow" button.

OSI "Office" Maintenance

  • Network administration & management
  • (Home & Maple Hill)

Regularly Required Filings(Many thanks to Jane) Created an index

  • 990 N (GM to post to web page under board / link to pdfs - also way to provide feedback)
  • 990 EZ
  • State of California, Secretary of State Statement of Information
  • US Census Report SQ-CLASS(00)

Portfolio Reports

Affiliate Membership (Richard)


  • Added to website
  • Added to Affiliate Member graphic
  • Creating press release


  • Vote on Affiliate Membership: see application on the Affiliate Status wiki page.
    • Motion: Approve the Affiliate Application from OpenHatch (Richard)
    • Second: (Simon)
    • Discussion: All members expressed excitement about approving OpenHatch and our future partnership
    • Vote: Yes 10; No 0; Abstentions, 0
    • Pass.
  • We would like to target our announcement at OSCON (highlighting our fiscal sponsorship, incubation, extended role of OSI)

PRPIG (formerly MisTribus)

  • Added to website
  • Added to Affiliate Member graphic
  • Creating press release

Membership Application

  • Patrick and Richard to review and edit

Brand Identity (Deb)

Value Proposition Meeting

  • Board Workshop: Strategic planning meeting with AgilePR (facilitated communications workshop).  (Details)
  • Date and Time:
    • Monday, July 21 from 9 a.m to 1 p.m.  
    • Lunch provided (courtesy of Mozilla, who is catering lunch for the entire office that day).
  • Location:
    • Mozilla Portland Office; 
    • Brewery Block 2 1120 NW Couch St, Suite 320 
    • Portland, OR 97209  in the "Hair of the Dog" conference room.
  • Those confirmed to attend include:
    • Simon P.
    • Mike M.
    • Allison R.
    • Leslie H
    • Deb B.
    • Patrick M.
    • Zack remotely if possible
    • Tony remotely if possible
    • Bruno remotely if possible

Corporate Sponsorship (Mike)


  • Facebook
  • Kitware
  • Educause Conference


  • Kitware: approach to sponsor internships.

New Sponsors

  • NGINX+

Education and Training (Tony)

Gave tutorial in Greece

Working with Democratize Computing Now and introducing Open Source

Proposal to Open World forums

Would like to co-ordinate with Red Hat's education efforts.

Incubator (Simon)

FLOW Syllabus WG

  • Joseph Potvin has submitted his report regarding the completion of the FLOW Syllabus (http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/flow-syllabus).
  • The project is complete and the syllabus is ready and available: http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/flow-syllabus
  • The working group has also submitted a proposal (http://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Projects/Charter-OSI-EDU-WG-2014-2015) to continue their work with the broader open source and education communities.
  • Identify possible participants for committee work (like initial survey)
    • Educators: teachers, program mangers, etc. developing  and delivering content around open source.
    • Lawyers: involved in open source licensing, litigation, contacts, etc.
    • Technologists: implementing open principles and methods with projects.
    • Project Manager: leading teams and aligning the organization around principles and methods.
  • Growing participation: WG has reached out to,
    • "Teaching  Open Source" and Joseph Ottinger, "an engineer at Red Hat, presently  tasked with creating a curriculum for the purpose of providing students  with an awareness of open source culture, tools, goals, and community."
    • MINES - the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • Simon has suggested that we will better know how to position the work and resulting products after the board workshop in OSCON later this month.

TLDR WG (Proposal)

  • Per the F2F the OSI followed up with invitation to Kevin from TLDRLegal to propose a working group
  • A proposal was submitted and is available for review (TLDR WG Page).
  • Kevin has generated some background based on various conversations with the OSI (https://docs.google.com/document/d/14cSPwArTLZ9I53Wbnt5DrUCdO28vuaGHqJgYDSHOlhs/
  • Kevin reached out again for an update from us:
  • "We've recently gotten coverage of almost all SPDX and OSI-approved licenses.   This guy (https://tldrlegal.com/users/Henry)  has been especially active and dumped a ton of new summaries over the  last week. I would love to get these peer-reviewed by some people in the  OSI, and start maybe doing some link-backs and promotion.  We've also  re-opened the conversation with GitHub and are doing another partnership  with BinPress who wants to feature TLDR summaries inline on each page.
  • Really excited to move forward"
    • Moton: Subject to final discussions between TLDR and Simon, the Board will defer to Simon's judgment in accepting TLDR as a Working Group in the Incubator. (Patrick)
    • Second: (Deb)
    • Discussion: Simon will meet with Kevin from TLDR to address open issues and get answers. A meeting/call might be warranted. Simon should serve as sponsor with Patrick working (as he does in all WG's) as facilitator. We should announce this to the broader License-Discuss community to identify participants.
    • Vote: Yes, 10; No 0 Abstentions, 0

Government Open Source Manual WG (Proposal)

New WG on Tax Filing Status (Allison)

  • There has been several discussions regarding the IRS' evaluations and denials of non-profit status (501c3) leaving many inthe open source community unsure about how to organize.
    • What role can OSI play to offer / help with 501c3 applications... What other options are there the OSI might help with?
    • OSI is interested in forming a Working Group to develop a repository for
      • Sample applications (accepted / rejected) from peer organizations
      • Options beyond c3 status that may allow organizations to form and operate (e.g. fiscal sponsorships)
      • List of organizations that could support new communities.
      • Should include legal perspectives?
      • Include best practices from experts (as opposed to advice)
  • Simon is volunteering to help with promotion at OSCON

Individual Membership (Allison)
Membership benefits

  • 16 new Membership Cards
  • Linux Foundation Conference discounts
  • OSCON Discounts
  • Benefit comparisons
  • LinuxVoice Subscription

Membership Portal Page

  • Build requirements for member self service.

Pending Memberships

  • Sending follow-ups to members with "pending" status"

New Member recruitment

  • Discounts at events
  • User communities

Infrastructure (Bruno)

Several systems and services were documented:

  • EasyMatch
  • Flattr
  • GlobalSign
    • Investigate renew & deploy SSL
  • OSI Gmail account
    • Discovered and documented GMail account
  • Google Analytics
    • Discovered Google Analytics account, cannot access
  • GoogleVoice
    • Discovered and documented GoogleVoice account
  • PayPal

Hosting Services/Migration

  • Current support is intolerable and we will be migrating
  • Reached out to OSL - poor (no) response, does not provide SLA's.
  • Does not offer application specific support.
  • Reaching out to BlueHost and InMotion.
  • Bluehost offers in-kind services for open source projects
  • Bluehost does not provide CiviCRM support, but we do have contacts who may be able to provide an SLA.
  • InMotion offers in-kind services for open source projects.
  • InMotion  does provide dedicated Drupal and CiviCRM support, but we do not have  contacts who may be able to promote an in-kind sponsorship.
  • Working with our Drupal/Civi contractors, identifying approach for migration
  • Once new hosting identified, set up fresh installs of Drupal and Civi
  • We are considering Joomla, due to greater internal expertise with contractors.
  • Work with OSI to define business processes for membership management
  • Join, update, renew, benefits, communications, etc.
  • Work with OSI to design look and feel of new site.


  • Request email "[email protected]" to create account for single user OwnCloud service (Patrick French created)
  • Use of XWiki with password protected .zip files?
  • resources files have been moved from SVN to OwnCloud (Karl did this)


  • Mailman / Redmine interface issues were resolved.

License Approval (Luis)

No report

Marketing & Communications (Leslie)



  • Continuing sponsorships for Open Education Reception at Educause 2014
  • Continuing identification of leads for Corporate Sponsorships


  • Please review the OSCON Planning Page for input and updates.
  • Voted no on food
  • Conference materials
  • Designed ($0) and ordered 1,000 ($293.99 @ $0.29 ea.) "What is the OSI" brochures (suitable for all occasions)
  • Designed ($0) and ordered 500 "3 Things you can do..." ($24.00) inserts
  • Designed ($0) and printed 240 OSI logo stickers ($0)
  • Ordered two "OSI-Branded" Neck Pillows ($21.58)
  • Identified local OSI Members
  • Questions about participation?
  • The Developers Conference (Brazil) - Open Source Track
  • http://www.thedevelopersconference.com.br/tdc/2014/saopaulo/trilha-software-livre


  • May newsletter sent (mailing report & details)
  • Intended Recipients: 1887
  • Successful Deliveries: 1887 (100.00%) - we don't trust this
  • Tracked Opens: 237
  • Click-throughs: 57
  • Bounces: 0 (0.00%)
  • Unsubscribe Requests: 0 (0.00%)
  • Opt-out Requests: 3 (0.16%)

Press releases

  • Blindside Networks
  • DiplomacyLab
  • FLOW Edu
  • NGINX+
  • OpenHatch (assumed)
  • XWiki


  • Leslie and Patrick working to evaluate intern candidate for media jockey role; he will be inviting Shreyas Narayanan Kutty to join us as a Media Jockey.  Starter project will be to ask Shreyas to send us relevant articles  that we can share via Twitter. More in-depth projects to roll out of OSI  Value Proposition workshop at OSCON.
  • Leslie and Patrick working on potential for NGINX+ co-marketing opportunity - see if they are willing  to do a joint press release about joining the OSI vs. us issuing the  release. Leslie is friends with their developer marketing person,  Michelle Thompson, from her Red Hat days.
  • Followed up to get information from Google friends about how we might get back our access to Google Analytics.

Trademark Stewardship (Zack)

1st Contacts

  • "The Open Source" (status / contact)
  • B3 Innovations (status / contact)
  • Qabel (status / contact)

DLA Piper Updates

  • Provided new counsel with history and updates on current projects
  • Looking at international trademark registrations
  • Options with protecting "Open Source"

Trademark & guidelines

  • reviewed current registered trademarks, their scopes, and expiration dates
    • worked with Patrick to note down pending questions about the above for our legal counsel
    • started collecting trademark registration certificates to form a digital archive
  • reviewed current trademark procedures, to ensure we have a consistent work-flow
  • reviewed current guidelines, noting down potential issues and improvements (for both practical and ethical reasons)
    • need to prepare a full list and run it through the board and legal counsel

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for August 6th, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 16:54 UTC

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.