OSI Board Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

20140910 Draft BoD Minutes (OSI Board of Directors.20140910_Draft_BoD_Minutes) - XWiki


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:02 UTC.


Board Members

  • Patrick Masson 14:57
  • Allison Randal 15:01
  • Tony Wasserman 15:01 - 16:34
  • Mike Milinkovich 15:02
  • Richard Fontana 15:03
  • Simon Phips 15:06
  • Leslie Hawthorn 15:48
  • Zack 16:02
  • Bruno Souza 16:24



Expected, but Not Present



Officer Reports

President's Report (Simon)

Happy to see the organization is growing and looking good, open for discussion.

Secretary's Report (Patrick)

  • MOTION: Patrick - Approve Draft Minutes for Wednesday, August 6th, 2014
  • Second: Allison
  • Discussion: None
  • Vote: Yes, 6; No, 0; Abstain, 0
  • Passed

Treasurer's Report (Mike)

Month Ending July 31, 2014

Monthly report prepared by Jane Peterman

Total Assets: 

  • $103,886.71 compared to $116,043.33 a decrease of $12,156.65 which can be explained  by the combination of $434.70 less $13069.39 less $478.04 (see below)
  • We transferred $2107.03 in USD and $233.89 (178.99 Euros) from Paypal in  August.

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $71.00
  • Memberships: $520.00 (13x $40)
  • Open Hatch: Received $321.46 paid $481.93 for a net cash outflow of $160.47
  • Interest: $4.17

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 434.70

  • Grants Receivable $5000.00 from Twitter
  • $4000.00 from SpagoBI (Our bank information has been sent)
  • Major Contributions this year:
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $5000
    • New Corporate Sponsor: $25000
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $20000
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $25000
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $25000
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $5000 invoiced May and outstanding
    • Previous Corporate Sponsor: $2500 Invoiced May Paid July 1

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: 13069.39

  • Payroll $9043.66
  • Professional $1939.18
  • Supplies,Postage $468.00
  • Bank Fees $46.18
  • Meetings $1322.40
  • Website Hosting $229.60
  • Paypal $20.37
  • Change in Liabilities (Payroll liabilities increase) $-478.04

Total Uses of Funds $ 12156.65

  • Note: One check is still outstanding from 6/19/14 for $1,938.66
  • Accounts reconciled:
    • Wells Fargo Savings and Checking, August 2014;
    • Paypal through September 2013 

General Counsel's Report (Mark)


General Manager Report (Patrick)

  • Will be heading to FOSSETCON Sept 12, 13 & 14th.
    • Will be in the exhibit hall with usual conference collateral.
  • Increasing use of twitter, taking advantage of Affiliate lists, Tweetdeck and scheduled tweets.
    • Real increase in profile and memberships.
  • August Newsletter sent out.
    • Intended Recipients: 1988
    • Successful Deliveries: 1988
    • Tracked Opens: 218
    • Opt-out Requests: 1
    • Click-throughs: 91
    • Web version of Newsletter: 25
    • OSI website: 19
    • OSI Wiki: 16
    • OSI Twitter page: 14
    • Apereo: 3
    • Member page: 3
    • Phipps interview with O'Reilly: 3
    • A Tale of Heartbleed, Infosecurity Article: 2
    • Document Foundation: 2
    • OSCON Winners twitter: 2
    • LinuxFestNW: 1
    • Mozilla: 1
    • OW2: 1
    • Wikiotics: 1

Other Activities

  • Website update: See Committees below
  • OPEN SOURCE INITIATIVE Registration Foreign Filing Update and Request for Powers of Attorney
  • Meeting with GE Global Research
  • Educause Planning
  • Meeting with Joseph Potvin, FLOW Syllabus
  • Meeting with Bill Shelton, Open Source for America

Portfolio Reports

Affiliate Membership (Richard)

  • Updated Affiliate Membership Agreement
    • Develop Educational Affiliate Membership Agreement and User-group Agreements based on new Affiliate Agreement.
  • Record leads from OSCON and others:
    • AMBD
    • Benetech
    • ChickTech
    • FLOSSmole / FLOSShub (special case: not educational or non-profit).
    • Grassroots.org
    • Open Source Lab
    • OpenStack
    • RIT Center for Media, Animation Gaming, Interaction and Creativity (MAGIC) -- Education
    • SpagoIT
    • The Open Source Way
    • TYPO3

Brand Identity (Deb)

  • Review of process and outcomes of messaging focus group meeting at OSCON.
  • Inventorying of media assets
  • Update Awareness WG
  • Add OSCON meeting info
  • Add volunteers
  • AgilePR update.

Corporate Sponsorship (Mike)

  • Follow-ups with (see Corporate Development / Fund-raising page)
    • O'Reilly
    • Engineering Group (Invoice sent)
    • SAP
  • Build out Corporate Development / Fund-raising page.
  • GE Global Research (tie in with WG/IP)
  • Design brief / summary for C.S. to document previous year's work in the OSI.
  • Reviewed / updated Corporate Sponsorhip presentation material. Added latest slides and updated outline/content/resources on wiki page.

Education and Training (Tony)

  • Would like to develop a mission statement for the portfolio
  • Develop budgeting for sponsoring projects and development (external grants and internal costs)
  • OSCON marketing meeting update/schedule
  • Review FLOWedu and latest proposal
  • Charter for OSI Management Education Working Group (OSI-EDU-WG) 2014-2015
  • Identify collaborators for OSBOK project
  • FLOSSmole / FLOSShub
  • RIT Minor in Open Source

Incubator (Simon)

  • TLDR Legal
  • FLOSS Entities
  • FLOWedu Syllabus 2.0
  • WC3 Liaison - "we don't care"
  • FLOSS Desktop - on hold.
  • GEGR

Individual Membership (Allison)

  • Develop/provide membership access to Civi
  • Working with InMotion (based on Civi recommendation)
  • Create/modify business processes/rules for membership (joining, renewal, notifications)
  • Benefits to be determined.
    • Linux Foundation follow up.
      • Add page to osi website listing benefits.
    • System76 ThinkPenguin
    • Dell, HP Lenovo
  • Pay by check/cash (can we have event specific member join page)
  • Identify local support for OSCON support
  • Partner with affiliates for dual-memberships/discounted memberships
  • Discounts for events
  • Attend Affiliate events to promote memberships

Infrastructure (Bruno)

  • Identify server admins for Civi, Drupal
  • Look for hosting options
    • Bluehost - sent email to set up account (M:8/11/14) - no response abandoning
    • InMotion Hosting - no response abandoning
  • Currently paying $229/mo. for Rimuhosting
  • Currently running Mailman and Elections on a dedicated server.
  • Use of OwnCloud vs. XWiki
  • Demo Lastpass for enterprise password management.
  • Recommend moving forward with ADG.
    • Migration: $550
    • Hosting: $540/year
    • Service/support: $110/hour

License Approval (Luis)

  • Work with Sourceforge to implement work flow for licensing

Marketing (Leslie)

  • First  round messaging review complete (presenting on behalf of Deb Bryant) -  messaging deck & whiteboard photos attached to this page
    • Deb will be respinning up the Awareness Working Group to further enhance this work (messaging index doc, etc.)
    • LH will be looking at the website (with Patrick) to determine which pages on our website could use messaging refresh
    • LH  will be working with Deb & Awareness Working Group to form a plan  to disseminate these messages (press, social, in person events)
  • Working with Media Jockey Intern Shreyas Kutty
    • Semi-weekly progress check ins (IRC meetings seem to work best with folks in India)
    • Drafted guidance on which news stories would be of interest to our members to share on social media
    • After  experimenting, appears that Shreyas would be better served by making  regular "News of Interest" posts on the OSI Blog (targeting once per  week - aggressive stretch goal)
  • Getting more marketing help on-boarded
  • Planned outreach to the Teaching Open Source group to see if professors want to offer students extra credit for helping OSI with writing / social media
  • Support Patrick's efforts with outreach to SUNY, RPI & other schools local to him that have internship programs
  • Reach out to known folks with social media chops to ask if they'd like to augment our current efforts on Twitter
  • Invite guest tweeters.
  • Newsletter and press release edits.

Trademark Stewardship (Zack)

  • Sourceforge uses the old logo on the site: https://sourceforge.net/create/
  • An  update was provided regarding recommendations for registration of the OSI logo and "OPEN SOURCE INITIATIVE" trademark  internationally.
  • Review of owned marks, scope, and duration
  • Confirm/request ongoing management of trademark registration
  • Confirmed US trademark registration/certificate/number
  • What is the purpose of the trademark mail list?
    • Use the list as point of contact for trademark issues and supervisor
  • Status of auxiliary marks, e.g. "OSI Approved License", "OSI certified" (certification mark), etc.
    • Clarification on where these are registered (if they are) and maintain
  • Discuss status/history of registering "open source"
  • Reviewing past history and current thoughts on this issue
  • Issues with current trademark guidelines, for example
  • Note on trademark infringement page that the letter should come from OSI GM, not the layers
  • Manage infringements
    • Current process with vision for more automation/integration like affiliates page and "see CiviCRM"
    • Qabel followup (pending)

Standing Committees

Budget (Mike) (Treasurer, Infrastructure, Incubator)

Reports positive cash flow and significant reserves. Happy with growing support from corporate sponosrs. Future expenses:

  • Aaron Williamson's $6,000
  • Educause $3,000   
  • Fossetcon $500
  • Hosting: $1,500
  • MOTION: Patrick - Accept the proposal from ADG for Drupal and CiviCRM development, hosting & support.
  • Second: Mike
  • Discussion: See report above.
  • Vote: Yes, 7; No, 0; Abstain, 0
  • Passed

Membership (Allison)

  • MOTION: Allison - Accept/approve the current draft of the Affiliate Member Agreement.
  • Second: Richard
  • Discussion: The board appreciates the work to modify the agreement, reflecting the current status of the organization. There was some discussion related to the use of this for the educational and user group agreements. The board raised questions related to ongoing assessment of Affiliate's status and how that may affect affiliation.
  • Vote: Yes, 7; No, 0; Abstain, 0
  • Passed

The Board raised discussion on the educational affiliations: issues around- non-profit institutions vs. profit: consensus that for profits they should become Corporate Sponsors.

Tony will be co-chair of upcoming conferences which may be an opportunity introduce OSI. Suggest working with Advocacy to put together a package for promotion.

Advocacy Committee (Deb: Brand, Marketing/Communication)

Messaging report submitted and attached for review.

  • Next steps:
  • Messing index to be created from this.
  • Using to develop press release template (AgilePR)

Trademarks: Mark Radcliffe has provided history of OSI trademarks. Outstanding followup needed for Qabel

Licensing: Generally reviewing open issues with various licenses and requests.

Election Committee: (Simon)

Need to identify infrastructure and work with advocacy to annoucePatrick to set up call: Simon, Bruno, Leslie, Patrick, Deb.

  • Motion: Luis - The OSI should retain New York University Law School to draft an amicus brief on our behalf if Google seeks a grant of certiorari from the Supreme Court in the matter of Oracle v. Google.
  • Second: Leslie
  • Discussion: We should look for organizations to partner with and contribute to the effort.
  • Vote:  Yes, 8; No, 0, Abstain, 0
  • Passed

New Business

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Nov 11th - 13th. Planning should begin as spon as possible.

M: Simon, S (mike) unana

  • Motion: Simon - Adjourn meeting
  • Second: Patrick
  • Discussion: None
  • Vote:  Yes, 8; No, 0, Abstain, 0
  • Passed

Meeting adjourned at 17:54

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.