OSI Monthy Portfolio Report

Treasurer's Report

For the Month Ending November 30, 2014

Total Assets: $69449.92 compared to $75796.15 a decrease of $ 6346.23 which can be explained by the combination of $863.68 less $13426.85 plus $ 6216.94 We transferred $1,359.61 in USD from Paypal in November.

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $ 378.99 (including 7.99 from Amazon Smile Fdn.)
  • Memberships: $480 (12 x $40)
  • Open Hatch: Received $316.57 paid $313.57 for a net cash outflow of $3
  • Interest: $1.69
  • Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 863.68
  • Grants Receivable $5000.00
  • $4000.00 Receivable (Our bank information has been sent)

Major Contributions this year:

  • Corporate Sponsorship $2500
  • Corporate Sponsorship $5000
  • Corporate Sponsorship $25000
  • Corporate Sponsorship $20000
  • Corporate Sponsorship $25000
  • Corporate Sponsorship $25000
  • Corporate Sponsorship $5000 invoiced May and outstanding

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $13426.85

  • Payroll $ 9036.96
  • Professional $1461.91 (as of 12/01/14:Tor Ekland to date $2335.82 of $6000)
  • Bank Fees $398.81 Annual subscription to Quickbooks for Payroll prgm $360)
  • Conferences/Conv $ 1223.20
  • Meetings $1000.46
  • Website Hosting $ 229.60
  • Paypal $28.38

Total Uses of Funds $13,379.32

Corporate Sponsorship activity:(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Follow-ups with (see Corporate Development / Fund-raising page)
    1. EMC: original contact general open source issues. Patrick introduced sponsorship opportunities & received w/interest. This is addition to potential sponsorships with VMware and Pivotal.
    2. Citrix: Mike and Patrick introduced the sponsorship program. Citrix expressed interest and asked for a monthly follow up to assess funding availability.
    3. HP has committed again. Press release being reviewed by HP. HP invited to contribute to Jan. Newsletter.
    4. AgGateway, a consortium of Ag Industry corporations reached out to discuss open source best practices. Mike and Patrick spoke with reps to create a presentation around their open source interests.
    5. what3words reached out for guidance on "best practices." Patrick followed up to provide suggestions and references.
    6. Call scheduled with IBM to discuss 2015 sponsorship.
    7. Engineering Group issue regarding sponsorship payment resolved. 
    8. Microsoft was contacted based on recent .Net developments.
    9. New lead from Bruno, Fi-ware.
  2. Build out Corporate Development / Fund-raising page.
  3. 2014 Annual report includes updated Corporate Sponsorship information.

Branding and PR activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Inventorying of media assets
  2. Update Awareness WG
    1. Add OSCON meeting info
    2. Add volunteers
  3. AgilePR update meeting on Jan. 8th.

Education and Training activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Tony will represent the OSI at the "Learning from the Digital Revolution: What widespread Genetic Data, Tools, and Skills mean for Privacy, Innovation, Safety, and Rights"
  2. Discussions with various organizations on transition to "open source practices"
    1. GE Global Research
    2. EMC
    3. AgGateway
    4. what3words
  3. Would like to develop a mission statement for the portfolio
  4. Develop budgeting for sponsoring projects and development (external grants and internal costs)
  5. Review FLOWedu and latest proposal
  6. Charter for OSI Management Education Working Group (OSI-EDU-WG) 2014-2015
  7. Identify collaborators for OSBOK project
  8. FLOSSmole / FLOSShub
  9. RIT Minor in Open Source

Incubator activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Current projects underway
    1. FLOSS Entities
      1. As of Jan 6, 2015 the OSI has paid $3065.44 of $6000 approved for legal services.
    2. FLOWedu Syllabus 2.0
  2. Projects under consideration
    1. TLDR Legal
    2. Open Best Practices (based on various discussions around beneficial behavior in open source communities)
    3. TODO
    4. Open Source for America
    5. SPDX license listing / nomenclature

Infrastructure activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Election software
    1. Reviewing and testing Helios Voting
    2. Tested software with broader sample from community
    3. Further evaluation of features/functionality--will require run-offs if vote results in any ties.
  2. Met with ADG / Studio 136
    1. Migrated current OSI website to development server
    2. Configuring membership portal to allow members to access/edit profiles
      1. creating logins
    3. Set up notifications for pending members to confirm membership.
  3. Discovered "Open Source Licensing FAQ" (http://ideas.opensource.org/wiki/help/license) with dated material linked off of our mailing list page (http://opensource.org/lists).
    1. License Discuss: Discuss and answer important questions about Open Source licensing, in order to collect community wisdom for the FAQ.
      1. This page appears to be 3 years old and obsolete.
  4. Move to another communication platform other than lists.
    1. Recommendations from the board include: StackExchange, discourse.org
    2. Manage lists better, keep lists?
    3. Move mailman to ADG?
      1. look at other hosts?
    4. find mailing list moderators from community
  5. Currently paying $229/mo. for Rimuhosting
    1. Currently running Mailman and Elections on a dedicated server.
    2. Ask OSL to host Mailman
    3. Set up call with Karl and Elections to discuss use.
  6. Use of OwnCloud vs. XWiki
    1. Asset management will occur in XWiki with files encrypted and attached to password protected pages available only to OSI administrators.
  7. Continue with Lastpass for enterprise password management.

License Approval activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Ongoing discussions around "openness" and governance related to "Open By Rule" and other resources as well as recent inquiries.

Marketing and Communications activity(View Portfolio Page)

  1. Website content migration planning with ADG for new hosting/site.
    1. Bruce and attribution question re open knowledge definition
  2. Invite guest tweeters.
    1. Maha Shaikh at "Tweeting Open Source" has agreed to help tweet. Sent login information.
  3. Awareness Working Group
    1. "What is open source" one pager
    2. Messaging index.
  4. Communications strategy plan.
    1. Aligning goals (prioritized) for raising awareness.
    2. Defining next-generation of messaging/communications.
      1. Build on work of AgilePR to draft marketing message.
  5. Internships to support logistics in pushing communications?
    1. Shared link to Technology Systems Hub to inform Shreyas of our current media channels.
    2. Invited Shreyas to join weekly call for the first half hour.
    3. Protocol/workflow for guest bloggers to find, write, edit and publish communications
      1. Will use the this wiki, the Social Media Draft Contributions page to draft original blog posts.
      2. Relevant content defined as:
        1. Current and former board members' posts (tweets, blogs, articles, etc.) activities.
        2. OSI activities (working groups, press releases, newsletters, etc.)
        3. OSI and Affiliate Member communications (tweets, blogs, articles, etc.), initiatives, projects, events, etc.
        4. Local open source events of interest to local communities.(Note: When dealing with local community-specific event shout-outs, we need to make sure we highlight open source, not any specific cultural, ethnic, political views as the OSI is global community and does not favor any particular community over another.)
        5. Weekly update to share "OSI in the works"
    4. Social Media Suggestions/Working ideas
      1. Open Source Initiative-Official page on Facebook since it reaches a lot of people.
      2. Update event photos where OSI played a part. Eg:OSCON since photos tend to reach a lot of people rather than plain boring texts.
      3. Instagram account to update event photos and other related photos.
      4. Small contests on Social Media which ensure interaction with followers.
    5. Work with Ind. Membership folks to draft SOP for interested people to contribute to OSI. More like a one stop solution for "How do I contribute?".

Affiliate Membership activity

  1. Affiliate eligibility to be determined by sector specific qualifications and criteria.
    1. Each interested party will submit a cover letter with their application that provides their qualifications based on they type of organization they are, rather than different agreements: non-profit, educational and user communities.
  2. Current Applicants under review/up for vote:
    1. Moodle
    2. TYPO3
    3. OSEHRA
  3. Legal reference resource
    1. Develop a set of "OSI recommended" questions that those looking for legal advice can ask potential attorneys to assess their experience with open source licensing and related legal issues.
  4. Current leads:
    • AMBD
    • Benetech
    • ChickTech
    • FLOSSmole / FLOSShub (special case: not educational or non-profit).
      • Request from FLOSShub/FLOSSmole/SRDA for an update.
    • Grassroots.org
    • Open Source Lab
    • OpenStack
    • RIT Center for Media, Animation Gaming, Interaction and Creativity (MAGIC) -- Education
    • The Open Source Way

Individual Membership activity(view portfolio page)

  1. Updated Membership Portal
    1. Developing/testing login access for OSI Members
    2. Developing/testing profile editing
    3. Set up auto-create of membership card
    4. Pay by check/cash (can we have event specific member join page)
    5. Various Member types/fees
  2. Membership Drive: Increase membership numbers by the next elections (March, 2015)
    1. Membership drive starting Feb. 3rd 2015.
    2. Ad developed for Linux Journal
    3. Have new Affiliate Member volunteer (Wendy) contact Affiliates to see if they can promote.
  3. Other options:
    1. In person discounts at events.
    2. Dual memberships with OSI Affiliate Memberships.
    3. Discounts to members of other like-minded / peer groups (FSF).
  4. Individual membership scholarship, grant, fee-waiver and terms.
  5. Include in membership the option to help out (maybe in lieu of payment), i.e. contributing members
  6. User groups and clubs as Affiliate members.
  7. Benefits to be determined.
    1. Linux Foundation follow up.
    2. Add page to osi website listing benefits.
    3. System76 ThinkPenguin
    4. Dell, HP Lenovo
    5. Discounts for events
    6. Partner with affiliates for dual-memberships/discounted memberships
  8. Attend Affiliate events to promote memberships

View Portfolio Page

View Portfolio Page

View Portfolio Page

Trademark Stewardship activityas of June 5th, 2014

  1. Follow-ups with notified organizations:
    1. Qabel: Patrick to follow up with a suggestion to use, "source code available"
    2. GeoGebra: Potential issue with GPL, Patrick to  ping Richard for advice.
    3. Appnovation: Confirmed they will change, Patrick to give 7-10 days to see if changes made.
    4. Technology Services Group: use of logo without approved OSI licenses; use of the term open source for software not distributed with OSI license.
    5. Open Source Software for South Africa: use of logo for project.
  2. (Discuss w/DLA Piper)  Review of owned marks, scope, and duration
    1. Confirm/request ongoing management of trademark registration. Patrick to check with legal for what should be public/private.
    2. Confirmed US trademark registration/certificate/number
      1. Patrick to create private page for documentation
  3. What is the purpose of the trademark mail list?
    1. Use the list as point of contact for trademark issues and supervisor
    2. Patrick to check on current workflow for contacting OSI re: trademarks via form/list.
  4. Develop guidelines for "OSI Certified" and "OSI Approved."
  5. (Discuss w/DLA Piper) Issues with current trademark guidelines, for example
    1. Provision to mail us within 7 days to use mark
    2. Requirement to get prior written permission to use "OSI Approved License"
    3. Need of contacting a posteriori trademark supervisor to use logo
      1. Zack to prepare a preliminary list and run it through the board
  6. Compare guidelines to http://modeltrademarkguidelines.org/
  7. Adopt a visual Wikimedia syle information sheet for OSI (http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_policy) 
  8. Note on trademark infringement page that the letter should come from OSI GM, not the layers
  9. Manage infringements
    1. Current process with vision for more automation/integration like affiliates page and "see CiviCRM

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.