May 18, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 12:06 UTC.


Board Members

  • Italo
  • Allison
  • Molly
  • Patrick
  • Josh
  • Paul
  • Simon
  • Carol
  • Deb
  • Mike (joined 12:18)

Sent Regrets

  • Richard

Officer Reports



  • Treasurer's report (Mike), see Appendix A

Board Topics

Membership Topics

  • Move ahead with Casey Valk's Draft OSI Volunteer Program Charter?
    • More detail on how to maintain relationships
    • Develop engagement process once volunteers come together
    • Develop "job descriptions" for volunteer roles
    • ACTION: PATRICK to follow up
  • Potential for FSFE collaboration

Communications Topics

  • Discuss the topics included in Italo's report about the call with Ed Schauweker:
    Target a quarterly media outreach effort, leveraging some news announcement (this is intended to reach a general audience, outside OSI traditional ecosystem)
    • Italo to clarify the concept of "leveraging some news announcements"
      Leveraging Reddit as a communication channel to reach OSI traditional ecosystem: creating the OSI subreddit to discuss relevant topics such as OSS licensing and projects such as "beyond licensing", organize an AMA on the opensource subreddit (every quarter?).
    • Italo to organize the first AMA, to see the results and decide based on these
      Leverage OSI member/affiliate/sponsor ecosystem, which represents the OSS ecosystem at large, to organize a survey about future trends in OSS, to be organized during the third quarter for release during the fourth quarter when media looks for "open source in 2018" news stories.
    • Italo to organize a call/discussion with the group of people available (please add you name here: ) and Ed, to go from idea to project
      Involve Ed Schauweker in discussions about 20th Anniversary planning.
    • We will invite Ed to specific communications meeting about the 20th anniversary

Fundraising Topics

  • Over OSCON contacted 49 folks regarding sponsorship. Had 30 follow-ups, resulting in 15 discussions: Amazon, AMEX, Capitol One, Ciena, CloudFlare, Dell, DigitalOcean, Engineering Group, Four Kitchens, GM, Indeed, Microsoft, NPM, Redis Labs, SuiteCRM. We have one commitment, Microsoft.

Legal Topics

Infrastructure Topics

Incubator/Project Topics

  • OpenHatch officially wound down, need to check for remaining recurring donations and cancel, follow up on blog post
    ACTION: PATRICK to shut down contribution page.
    ACTION: PAUL to request letter detailing request to forward funds.
  • Per their blog post, the've announced the remaining dollars are going to Outreachy after they use funds to "wind down"
  • Sean Roberts is working to relauch the Public Policy Working group (Deb-sponsored), with a target to meet within the monthy/

Review of Timeline

Planning Timeline

Next Board Meeting

  • The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 8th, 2017

Meeting adjourned at 1:05


  • Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the meeting minutes of Spring 2017 F2F.
    Second (Allison).
    Discussion: None
    Vote: 13 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending March 31, 2017

  • Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $47,312.11
  • Income or Sources of Funds:         
    • Contributions: $25,189.00       
    • Memberships: $1238.82 (33 @ $40 less Murdoch refund)       
    • Open Hatch: 99.49 (Received $99.49, paid $0)
    • Interest: $1.29
    • Commissions: $10.94

  • Total Income or Sources of Funds:  $26,539.54
  • Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:
    • Payroll: $9010.00
    • Professional: $650.00
    • Bank Fees: $13.81
    • Supplies: $
    • Postage, Shipping: $25.54
    • Software: $
    • Conferences/Conv: $696.89
    • Meetings: $212.70
    • Website Hosting: $
    • Paypal: $48.74
  • Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $10,657.68
  • Total Assets at End of Period: $63,107.67
  • Major Contributions 2017:  (Invoiced not received in bold)
    • Previous Sponsor: $25000.00 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
    • Previous Sponsor: $ (committed to 4th quarter)
    • Previous Sponsor: $ (committed $20K at OSCON)
    • Previous Sponsor: $ (solicited, no reply)
    • Previous Sponsor: $ (Confirmed no for 2017)
    • New Sponsor: $  1000 Invoiced 6/20/16
    • Previous Sponsor $  4000 (2017 contribution invoiced 11/28/16 paid 12/06/16)
    • Previous Sponsor $ (should have been invoiced, $20K)
    • New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
    • Previous Sponsor $5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
    • New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending April 30, 2017

  • Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $63,107.67
  • Income or Sources of Funds:
    • Contributions: $ 20570.00
    • Memberships: $ 480.00
    • Open Hatch: (12 @ $40 less Murdoch refund) 99.39 Paying balance May 8
    • Interest: $ 1.25
    • Commissions $ 7.42
    • Total Income or Sources of Funds: $21158.06
  • Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:
    • Payroll $ 8990.42
    • Professional $ 1338.00
    • Bank Fees $ 10.85
    • Supplies $
    • Postage, Shipping $25.56
    • Software $
    • Conferences/Conv $ 830.81
    • Meetings $ 3758.48
    • Website Hosting $
    • Paypal $21.76
  • Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $ 14975.88
  • Total Assets at End of Period $ 69123.55
  • Major Contributions 2017: (Invoiced not received in bold)
    • Previous Sponsor: $25000.00 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
    • Previous Sponsor: $ (committed to 4th quarter)
    • New Sponsor: $ 1000 Invoiced 6/20/16
    • Previous Sponsor: $ 4000
    • Previous Sponsor: $ 20000, Invoice 4/03/17 received 4/27/17    
    • New Sponsor $ 1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16       
    • Previous Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16       
    • New Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16       
    • New Sponsor: $15000 Invoiced 4/17/17

Appendix B - Team Reports

Communications Team

Membership Team

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.