July 13, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 12:03 EDT.


Board Members

  • Patrick
  • Carol
  • Allison
  • Mike (left at 12:46)
  • Italo
  • Simon
  • Josh
  • Richard
  • Deb

Officer Reports

Board TopicsQuick updates from Carol:

  • Met with Richard about licensing, but haven't had the time to push it along;
  • Got a job with Microsoft and have been in the midst of relocating to Redmond. Starting on 7/24, working in the OSPO there. Probably some overlap with OSI work and would love to talk about that more at the next meeting. Congrats!

Membership Topics

  • Volunteers
  • Community Council
  • 20th Anniversary Planning

Communications Topics20th Anniversary


  • Curated page, best practices, editorials
  • Questions lingering about the review process: what are our standards, who does the review, how thorough do we need to be, what kind of guarantees are we making in adding a project to the curated page?

ACT-W Boston

  • Need reps (Pat, Molly, call to members &...)

Fundraising TopicsCorporate Sponsors

  • Google? (Reach out as follow up with through another thread?)

Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit

  • Emulating OSCON activities (cost flights & car $600)
  • Leads appreciated
  • Suggestions for other activities?
  • Carol will be speaking and attending and would be happy to help (ditto Josh)

Legal Topics

Eclipse Public License

  • Wait until next meeting to provide time for the community to review/comment.

European Union Public License



  • Follow up? (tabled)


  • Follow up? (tabled)

Infrastructure Topics

  • Email and mail lists: No hard data, but we continue to have dropped accounts, "due to excessive bouncing from the member's address."
  • Potential impact: Board contacts, accountant's email, contacts with sponsors. Patrick to follow.

Incubator/Project Topics

Review of Timeline

  • Planning Timeline

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for Aug 10, 2017

Meeting adjourned at 13:06


Motion (Patrick): Approve and post the meeting minutes of May 17 .
Second (Allison).
After review, no comments.
8 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstain.

Motion (Richard): Approve the European Union Public License (EUPL) v1.2
Second (Simon).
Highlighed that the license is unique and has been expressed in multiple (27) languages and is warranted by the EU to be consistant across the languages.Vote: 8 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report  For the Month Ending  June 30, 2017

Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $54,825.78

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $36,479.68
  • Memberships: $440.00 ([email protected] $40)
  • Open Hatch: $0 No report this month, no transactions to report.
  • Interest: $1.20
  • Sales of Collateral: $ 0

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $36920.88Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll: $9212.09
  • Sponsorship Commission: $1500.00
  • Professional: $1315.00
  • Meetings: $ 503.68
  • Conferences/Conv: $0 
  • Working Groups: $0
  • Postage, Shipping: $38.96
  • Bank Fees: $103.80
  • Filing Fees: $0
  • Paypal: $18.58

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $12,692.11Change in Payroll Liabilities: -$86.30Total Assets at End of Period: $78,968.25Major Contributions 2017:  Invoiced not received in bold    

  • Previous Sponsor: $25000.00 (unsolicited recd 3/9/1)
  • Previous Sponsor: $
  • Previous Sponsor $ (Billing in 4th Quarter 17)
  • Previous Sponsor: $
  • Previous Sponsor: $
  • Previous Sponsor: $20000.00 (Invoiced and, Received June 26, 2017)
  • Previous Sponsor:  $
  • Previous Sponsor: $
  • New Sponsor: ($1000 Invoiced 6/20/16  Will cancel this invoice in July 2017)
  • Previous Sponsor: $4000 (2017 contributuion invoiced 11/28/16 paid 12/06/16)
  • Previous Sponsor: $20000 (Invoice 4/03/17 received 4/27/17)
  • Previous Sponsor: $
  • New Sponsor: $1000 Received 6/26/17
  • Previous Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
  • Previous Sponsor: $5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
  • Previous Sponsor: $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16
  • New Sponsor: $15000 Invoiced 4/17/17 received 6/5/17

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending May 31, 2017Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $69123.55    Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $ 692.55
  • Memberships: $ 720.00 (18 @ $40)
  • Open Hatch: -163.56 Patrick refunded current month contributions
  • Interest: $ 1.04
  • Sales of Collateral $ 539.00

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 1,789.03Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll $ 9029.58
  • Professional $ 1480.14
  • Meetings $ 3774.59
  • Conferences/Conv $ 1241.30
  • Working Groups $ 13.61
  • Postage, Shipping $ 141.38
  • Supplies $ 249.64
  • Bank Fees $ 132.14
  • Filing Fees $ 10.00
  • Paypal $ 34.42

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $ 16,086.80Total Assets at End of Period $ 54,825.78Major Contributions 2017: Invoiced not received in bold

  • Previous Sponsor: $ 25000.00 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ (Not expected)
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ Billing in 4th Quarter 17
  • Previous Sponsor:  $
  • Previous Sponsor:  $
  • Previous Sponsor:  $(Confirmed $20,000 either EoFY/June, or next FY, July)
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ (Multiple contacts to representative, no replies)
  • Previous Sponsor:  $(Confirmed no support in 2017)
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 Invoiced 6/20/16 Will cancel this invoice in June 2017
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ 4000 2017 contributuion invoiced 11/28/16 paid 12/06/16
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ 20000 Invoice 4/03/17 received 4/27/17
  • Previous Sponsor:  $
  • Previous Sponsor:  $
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ 1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
  • Previous Sponsor:  $ 5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
  • Previous Sponsor:  $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16
  • New Sponsor $ 15000 Invoiced 4/17/17 received 6/5/17

Appendix B - Team Reports
Communications Team20 Anniversary

  • Partnership Prospectus
  • GPL One Pager

Net Neutrality Day

  • 125,000 websites, 1.6 million comments heading to FCC, 3 million+ emails and phone calls to Congress, well over 10 million people reached so far (7:00pm EDT)
  • 6.4 impressions at opensource.org
  • 45000+ Twitter impressions on 44 tweets

ACT-W (Chick-tech)

  • Participated in San Francisco & NYC, next up Boston


  • Simon's weekly weekend reading
  • Faces of open source (Luis, Mark) series through Shane Martin Coughlan

All Things Open

  • Complementary booth
  • Presentation (workshop) of FLOSS Desktops program by participants


  • Conference, 10year anniversary

Open Source in Higher Ed

  • Meeting being organized by Red Hat with orgs interested in creating college curriculum.

Membership Team

Individual Membership Update:

Affiliate Membership Update


  • Closed out, fundraising shut down

OpenProject Foundation

Affiliate Membership Qualifications for OpenProject Foundation (https://www.openproject.org/openproject-foundation/) see: Application / Cover Letter.

  1. Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
    ✓ "The OPF is incorporated as a membership-based, non-profit organisation (Verein). It is registered in Berlin, Germany, and of course the OPF is designated to the global OpenProject community." (https://www.openproject.org/openproject-foundation/)
  2. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
    Vision/Mission, "We strive to make OpenProject a place to participate and collaborate with open source and open mind," available at, https://www.openproject.org/openproject-foundation/openproject-foundation-statutes/.
    ✓ Goals (https://www.openproject.org/openproject-foundation/),
    Maintaining the hardware and software infrastructure of OpenProject.org and other corresponding sites.
    Empowering the community to participate in and contribute to the project.
    Protecting the GPL source code of the project and its community contributions.
    Managing intellectual property and financial contributions.
    Protecting the project and community through support and advocacy.
    Organizing and promoting OpenProject, and communicating the benefits of the OpenProject software.
  3. Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
    ✓ "OpenProject Foundation Statutes" available at: https://www.openproject.org/openproject-foundation/openproject-foundation-statutes/
  4. Publicly available release of a product(s) or service(s).
    ✓ Releases available at: https://www.openproject.org/release-notes/
  5. Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
    ✓ Via README.md (https://github.com/opf/openproject/blob/dev/README.md)"OpenProject is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3," (https://github.com/opf/openproject/blob/dev/docs/COPYING.rdoc).
  6. Documented approach for participation by the public.
    ✓ Community participation guidelines are described in https://www.openproject.org/development/.
  7. An active community: 
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
      ✓ OpenProject Developemt Community Portal: https://community.openproject.com/✓ Developers' Forum: https://community.openproject.com/projects/openproject/boards/ Report a bug: https://www.openproject.org/development/report-a-bug/
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)
      OpenProject currently has 91 contributors (https://github.com/opf/openproject/graphs/contributors), many of whom are outside of the founding organization. We actively encourage outside contributions to OpenProject and have for example a developer / contributor guide for external developers: https://www.openproject.org/development/.
      6000+ posts to forums: https://community.openproject.com/projects/openproject/boards/ Active issue/bug tracking: https://community.openproject.com/projects/openproject/roadmap A large group of registered users in the community forums and portal.
    3. References from other open source projects, ideally a current OSI Affiliate Member.
      OpenProject does not have references from other OSI Affiliates, but they are "quite active in the open source community. OpenProject, is for example a member of the open source community in Berlin, Germany (Open IT Berlin) (http://www.open-it-berlin.de/openitberlin/members/3217)." (via email with Robin Wagner)

Fundraising Team

  • Leslie donating costs of Paris F2F (sending her her scarf)
  • Benevity registration
  • Sponsorships
  • Leads: Ad Block Plus, Advanced Telematic Systems, Amazon, Collabra, CodeThink, Digital Ocean, IronSource, Just Digital, NPM, Orange
  • Committed: Bloomberg, Heptio, Percona, Rocket.Chat, ScallaDB

Infrastructure Team

  • Drupal upgraded
  • New Civi development (membership data)

Legal Team


  • Issue with company, resolved
  • Australia (accepted) and Brazil (applied)

Incubator/Projects Team

Crowd-sourcing (Kickstarter)

  • Setting-up an OSI curated page to showcase projects that meet the best practices that are outlined by your team. Here are a few examples of curated pages: Creative Commons, MIT Media Lab, LA Makerspace
  • Sharing with our community a set of best practices for Open Source projects that is published by your team. This would have to be focused on providing positive guidance, rather than castigating bad examples.
  • Looking for editorial opportunities to highlight projects that have leveraged Open Source in the best possible ways. We can connect our curation and editorial lead with your team if you want to discuss this opportunity.
  • Sent intro to Indiegogo

FLOSS Desktops

  • New programs: Ferguson MI, Taconic Hills, Troy NY
  • FLOSS Desktops Twitter account (https://twitter.com/FLOSSDesktops)
  • Siena College full time student interns
  • All Things Open presentation (Linux Fund)

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.