Fall 2017 Face to Face Meeting Minutes

Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 10:10 ET.

Board Members

  1. Allison
  2. Mike (not present 12:00 - 1:00 11/28, 10:00 - 11:30 11/29)
  3. Carol
  4. Richard
  5. Simon
  6. Deb (not present 10:00 - 11:30 11/29)
  7. Patrick
  8. Paul
  9. Molly
  10. Josh
  11. Italo

Officer Reports

  • Motion to approve minutes (Patrick)
  • August 10th, 2017
  • September 14th, 2017
  • Treasurer's report (Josh), see Appendix A

Board Topics

  • Annual planning
  • GM Job Description (most recent version)
  • Annual Performance Review process for GM (see attached model from UMass)
  • Annual plan (informs APR)
  • Annual budget (informs annual plan)
  • Contract with Phyllis Dobbs
  • Mail forwarding to Patrick's home address.
  • Staffing
  • Formalize role and compensation for staff related to spons
  • Develop employee handbook (look to existing work, e.g. Eclipse Foundation)
  • Director of Advocacy
  • Populate a resource of OSI postions and case studies: 0.2
  • Co-ordinate engsgment with standards setting orgs: 0.4
  • Engage Affiliates to promte OSI within their mission: 0.2
  • Patrick to implement strategic planning/reporting process aligned with annual goals and objectives.

Membership Topics

  • Engage more broadly and deeply with affiliates
  • Develop "town-hall" type opporuntities, inviting affilaites and interested parties to discuss shared interests, common goals, initiatives.
  • Foster OpenSource.net as a platform for identifying and engaging in shared interests / activities.

Communications Topics

  • Role for OSI in recognizing authenticity in practice / community
  • see OPNsense request
  • Ideas
  • Develop forum for public discussion?
  • Patrick to send a trigger to Board for determining action on vrious requests.
  • Current practices and approches to collaboration with current affiliates and potencial partners.

Fundraising Topics

Legal Topics

Simon to develop "OSD License Review" FAQ
Recommend approval of W3C Software and Document License (2015)

Artistic License

  • Discussion and response to concerns from FSF regarding "clause 8".

NASA License

  • Richard to provide Board with resolution regarding the status of the licence and our inability to approve (ambiiguity).

Infrastructure Topics

  • Continue (current and future) migrations to remote services with 3rd party contracted support.
  • Xwiki $3000/year
  • Mailman: $600/year
  • OpenSource.Net: 10% of new sponsorships
  • opensource.org (move to Digital Ocean)
  • email (G Suite, other)?

Incubator/Project Topics

  • Mike to coordinate Standards Seetin working group.

Review of Timeline

  • Planning Timeline

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for... Meeting adjourned at...


Motion (Simon): Approve Open Source and Standards Working Group Software
Second (Mike).
10 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain; 1 Not Present

Motion (Richard): Approve W3C Software and Document License (2015)
Second (Deb).
10 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain; 1 Not Present

Motion (Paul): OSI permanent infrastructure shall be provided under the terms of a thrid-party Service Level Agreement (SLA) ensuring dedicated, reliable and responsive service.
Second (Patrick).
The goal is to ensure a "single throat to choke", continuty of service independant of changes in the Board, and without the possiblity of a conflict of interest.
10 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain, 1 Not Present.

Motion (Richard): Adopt the following resolution: Resolved, That, in view of the length, complexity, and ambiguities in the submitted drafts of the NASA Open Source Agreement version 2.0, it is the opinion of the OSI that the conformance of NOSA 2.0 to the OSD cannot be assured. OSI thus can neither approve nor reject the license, and NASA is invited to submit a new draft of NOSA for consideration by the OSI.
Second (Carol):
11 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Adjourned: 2:31PM ET

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report For the Month Ending October, 2017

Total Assets at Beginning of Period: $63,026.73  

Income or Sources of Funds:

  • Contributions: $ 43,534.24
  • Memberships: $ 1,000.00 ([email protected] $40)
  • Commissions $ 11.52
  • Interest: $ 1.29+

Total Income or Sources of Funds: $ 44,547.05

Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations:

  • Payroll $ 9,014.18
  • Sponsorship Commission $ 6,180.00
  • Professional $ 1,225.00
  • Meetings $ 5,264.47
  • Conferences/Conv $ 543.81
  • Working Groups $ 0
  • Postage, Shipping $ 27.20
  • Software $ 330.60
  • Bank Fees $ 174.49
  • Paypal $ 493.97

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds for Operations: $ 23.253.72

Total Assets at End of Period $ 84,320.06

Major Contributions in the last 12 months: Invoiced not received in bold, italics, not invoiced.

  • Existing Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 11/09/16 paid 11/14/16
  • Existing Sponsor $ 4000 invoiced 11/08/16 paid 12/06/16
  • Existing Sponsor $ 1000 Unsolicited contribution received 11/29/16
  • Existing Sponsor $1000 Unsolicited received 12/25/16
  • Existing Sponsor $ 5000 invoiced 12/28/16 received 1/19/16
  • Existing Sponsor $ 25000 unsolicited recd 3/9/17
  • Existing Sponsor $ 20000 Invoice 4/03/17 received 4/27/17
  • Existing Sponsor $ 15000 Invoiced 4/17/17 received 6/5/17
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 Invoiced 6/12/17
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 invoiced 6/12/17 received 7/3/17
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 invoiced 6/26/17 received 6/26/17
  • Existing Sponsor $   20000 invoiced 06/26/17 Received 6/29/17
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 invoiced 7/31/17 received 9/7/17
  • New Sponsor $ 1000 Invoiced 7/31/17 received 9/7/17
  • New ponsor $ 7500 invoiced 8/11/17 received 9/5/17
  • New Sponsor $ 2500 invoiced 8/11/17 received 11/1/17
  • New Sponsor $ 15000 Invoiced 9/11/17 received 10/2/17
  • New Sponsor $ 7500 Invoiced 9/14/17 received 9/28/17
  • New Sponsor $ 7500 Invoiced 9/14/17 received 10/14/17
  • Existing Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 10/2/17 (received 11/11/17-after report filed)
  • New Sponsor $ 20000 invoiced 10/6/17 received 10/17/17 including fee

2018 Projected Income

Beginning Balance (2017): 100,000.00

Ordinary Income/Expense   

Projected Income     

Gross Donations - Cash

  • Total Donations            216,500.00


  • Membership                    5,000.00


  • Commissions                       50.00
  • Sales of Collateral                 0.00
  • Interest Earned                   50.00 

Total Other Income                  5,100.00

Total                                     321,600.00


  • Payroll Expenses              108,000.00   
  • Sponsorship Commission   10,825.00   
  • Professional Fees               15,000.00   
  • Meetings                             25,000.00   
  • 20th Anniversary                 19,500.00   
  • Conferences/Conventions   10,000.00   
  • Working Groups, Projects      1,000.00   
  • Other Expenses                     7,000.00   
  • Paypal Fee                            1,000.00   

Total Expense                              197,325.00

Balance                                       124,275.00

Appendix B - Team Reports

Communications Team

Membership Team

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.