December 13, 2018 Minutes


Board Members







Faidon (17:50 UTC onwards)


Expected, but Not Present

Sent Regrets

  • Chris
  • Carol
  • Faidon

Officer Reports

  • Motion to approve minutes (Tabled)
  • Treasurer's report (Josh), see Appendix A
  • Amazon renewal
  • Digital Ocean renewal
  • Twitter rejoined
  • Three new sponsors: Daily Fantasy Cafe, Lineups, The Hand Wrist Institute
  • Sponsorship prospectus developed (annual and anniversary event).
  • Review and update Conflict of Interest policy (Patrick to send around to Board for final review).
  • Expecting all expenses and financials to be rolled up to close the books for 2018.
  • President's report:
  • 12 events in last 10 weeks. Provided excellent community representation, Affiliate and sponsor recruitment.
  • Great to see progress with License summariser role
  • Great to see new affiliate progress
  • Standards work report below

General Manager Report

Board Topics

  • CiviCRM update (Patrick)
  • Member portal
  • Affiliate portal
  • Sponsor management
  • Review of yearly plan (Patrick)
  • New contract for Jan. & Feb. 2019, $40,000. Once we pay out the February contract, we'll have around $6K left for other ClearlyDefined work.
  • New DRAFT contract for Lukas Atkinson, to write summaries of License-Review and License Discuss for Board review.

Membership Topics

  • LPI affiliate membership (Simon)
  • Would like to have LPI members (all carefully qualified) to become OSI members as well
  • Happy to contribute in any way, including financially
  • Simon will put Patrick in contact with LPI rep to discuss implementation.
  • Affiliate Assembly? <-- Italo?
  • Will do call first to prime them for further contact
  • Molly will draft an email to confirm affiliate contact info (before the call, naturally)
  • Any comments on Patrick's CiviCRM instructions?
  • Please put all affiliate & sponsor leads into Civi from here on out

Communications Topics

  • State of the "Statment of reaffirmation of OSD"
  • Inputs have been provided. 
  • Asking Board to think about gaining signatures, how to communicate, were to post, etc. and add to document.
  • Patrick & Molly: Look at petitions option in Civi.

Fundraising Topics

  • FLOSS Desktops for Kids update
  • ~$6K so far
  • GNOME offered $1K as a matching donation
  • Money to pay Sienna College intern to manage the orgs involved w/the project

Legal Topics

  • License review report writer (Patrick)
  • Sample contract sent to candidate
  • Update on license approval process posting (Richard)
  • License Review report
  • Libpng - recommend to withdraw and rework
  • SSPL - still in play

Infrastructure Topics

  • Mailman changes to improve deliverability?
  • Patrick to forward Rick's message to our mailman folks & get them to change DMARC settings

Incubator/Project Topics

  • Standards Project report
  • Intel is cranky that folks are pressing for RF terms on standards, want OSI to stop pressing for it
  • Simon & Bruce have a call with Intel to discuss this
  • JRC questionaire?
  • Can we email affiliates about this, please?
  • Simon will draft an email, Patrick will send it out

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2019

Meeting adjourned at...


Motion (): Approve and post the meeting minutes of __________ .
Second ().
Vote: 0 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.

Appendix A - Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2018

Total Assets at Beginning of Period (11/01/18) $380,301

Revenue or Sources of Funds

  • Contributions: $4,359
  • Memberships: $960
  • Interest: $8

Total Revenue or Sources of Funds: $5,327

Expenses or Uses of Funds

  • Compensation: $10,205
  • Legal & Professional Fees: $3,253
  • Office Expenses: $64
  • Program Service Expense: $20,000
  • Promotional Expense: $0
  • Travel & Entertainment: $8,066
  • Other Expenses: $1,628

Total Expenses or Uses of Funds: $43,215

Change in Accounts Payable: -$10,855

Total Assets at Beginning of Period (11/30/18): $331,557

Appendix A.1 - Treasurer's Report

Open Source Initiative: ClearlyDefined Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2018

ASSETS | 11/30/18 (Actual) | 02/28/18 (Projected) (1) |

  • Banking
    • Cash-Clearly Defined | $91,239 | $6,130 |
  • Total Banking | $91,239 | $6,130 |

Total Assets | $91,239 | $6,130 |


  • Liabilities
    • Accounts Payable | $24,652 | $0 See AP Aging |
  • Total Equity | $24,652 | $0 |
  • Equity
    • Temporarily Restricted Net Assets-Clearly Defined | $66,587 | $6,130 |
  • Total Equity | $66,587 | $6,130 |

Total Liabilities and Equity | $66,587 | $6,130 |

(1) Based on projected contract payments and wire transfer fees for December 2018-February 2019

Appendix B - Team Reports

Board Action Items

Communications Team

Membership Team

Fundraising Team

Infrastructure Team

Legal Team

Incubator/Projects Team

To promote and protect open source software and communities...

For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

Open source software is made by many people and distributed under an OSD-compliant license which grants all the rights to use, study, change, and share the software in modified and unmodified form. Software freedom is essential to enabling community development of open source software.